Love Like ***

Good-bye To You

Kacey's Point Of View T

he look that Liana gave me was the most horrified and disgusted look ever. It hurt my heart to get that look from my sister, but I couldn't exactly blame her for it. If their positions were reversed I'd do the same thing.

"What do you mean?" Liana asked.

I looked down at my lap in shame, "I mean I kill for pleasure."

The tears running down Liana's cheeks picked up speed, "Have you always killed?"


"Then why'd you start?"

"I met him," I said while gesturing towards Gerard.

"How could you kill an innocent person who had never done anything to you?"

I just shrugged and made my way back to Gerard's side.

"How could you?!"

I was now crying into Gerard's chest and he was comforting me.

As Liana calmed down so did I, as if our minds were linked.

"Kacey," Liana whispered, "are you going to kill me?"


"Yes," Gerard said correcting me.


"She knows too much," Gerard mumbled.

"Gerard, she's my sister, my twin sister."

Gerard sighed deeply, "If we let her go she'll rat us out."

"She wouldn't. Right, Liana?"


I knew that Liana would in fact go to the police and Liana knew that I knew that. And though I didn't want to go to jail I wanted my sister to live even more.

"Fine," Gerard growled.

He walked over to Liana and untied her, "Go before I change my mind."

Liana glanced at me one last time before she ran out of the room and out of the house.

The second they heard the door slam shut Gerard walked over to me and glared at me.

I looked down, "She's going to the police."

"I know," he replied and then he did something I thought he'd never do. He hit me once, twice, three times across the face.

I blinked back tears and spat blood out onto the floor. This was the first time he had ever hurt her.

"Pack your shit, we're leaving."

Gerard slammed his bedroom door behind him and I fell to the floor in tears. I didn't want him to be mad at me, but I couldn't have let him kill my sister. I had to save Liana, who was probably on her way to the local police station. So we needed to leave like now.

I made my way downstairs, carrying my bag.

Gerard was sitting on the bottom step waiting for me.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Go to Mexico."

"How are we going to get there?"

"Buss and then we'll be jumping the border."

I sighed, "Okay."

"So say bye-bye to the US of A because we'll never be back."

Gerard wrote a simple good-bye note to his mother and then they were gone just as fast as they had came.
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