Love Like ***

The Plan

Kacey's Point Of View

Gerard and I got onto the first buss that we could which to our luck was headed to Austin, Texas. Then from there we'd take another buss as far south as we could. And after that we'd jump the border to freedom in Mexico. The plan sounded so simple, yet it was so risky. But it was a risk we had to take.

Gerard climbed onto the almost empty buss first and went to the very back with me close behind. Like the last time we had been on a buss Gerard got the window seat.

I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't want to be the one to break the deathly silence between us. So we sat in the almost total silence of the buss.

I could tell Gerard was still beyond pissed at me while I still had tears in my eyes and the taste of blood in my mouth.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

In the bottom of my heart I knew that I shouldn't be mad at her. I also knew that I couldn't stay mad at her for too much longer. For if our situations had been reversed I would have done the same exact thing. So in a way I was proud of her for making the right choice.

So I had now decided that as soon as I could I was going to buy her a dozen roses and then we'd have some make up sex. Then as soon as we got into Mexico we'd find some random guy and butcher him together. Then we'd have some more make up sex except this time we'd be covered in blood. And god, did she look good covered in blood.

Yeah, that sounded like a plan. The best one I've had for a while.

Before we had even been on the buss for a half hour Kacey was already drifting into dreamland against my shoulder.

I smiled to myself and then took my leather jacket and covered her with it.

She looked so beautiful while she slept despite the small frown that was on her face. I couldn't wait until her could apologize to her and make her smile again.

I awoke Kacey by gently shaking her shoulder.


"The buss has been stopped," I said fast in a soft whisper.


"Police are going to get on and search it."

"Oh shit."

I nodded, "I'm not sure why they're getting on, but let's play it safe. So I want you to lay back down and pretend you're still sleeping with your head buried in my chest."

"Okay," Kacey whispered and then did as I told her too.

I then did a quick scan of the buss to make sure no one saw us talking and then I leaned against the window and instantly I pretended to be asleep as well.

I wasn't sure of this quick, shitty plan would work, but it was worth a try
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Sorry, sorry, sorry for the lack of updates!
: \

I don't know what's going on anymore..