Love Like ***

The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving Y O U

Kacey's Point Of View

Gerard and I kissed as if we were all alone in the world and nothing else mattered. And for a moment I thought that was true, but then I heard the man screaming behind us.

"Gerard," I whispered, "shouldn't we kill him and then get out of here?"

"We should, but you look so good right now."

I smiled up at him, "As much as I'd love to strip my clothes and fuck you in a puddle of blood, we can't do that right now."

Gerard pouted, "Please?"

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, Gee, but getting to Mexico alive right now is my only goal."

He leaned down a kissed me lightly and when he pulled away he had a sad look in his eyes, but he didn't argue with me.

Just as I was about to turn around and slit the man's throat I heard the front door open.

Gerard and I both froze in our tracks and for a moment the world was in slow motion. It felt like we had all the time in the world to escape, but in reality we didn't.

"Papa! I'm home!" A girl yelled.

Gerard looked at me and with his eyes he told me to stay silent.

I guess we forgot about the fact that the man behind us wasn't gagged because he screamed, "Megan! DON'T COME IN HERE!"

Gerard slowly picked up two butcher knives from the kitchen counter and held onto them so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"There are bad guys here!" The man screamed.

Then all the sudden I saw the girl standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

She had a police uniform on.

I then saw gun in her hands, aimed right at me.

I heard the gun go off, saw the bullet fly out, and then it hit me in the stomach.

Before I could even fall and before the pain could even kick in Gerard was reacting.

He threw the first butcher knife at her and it hit her right in the throat.

Who knew Gerard had such good aim?

Before she had time to fall he threw the second and it hit her in the stomach and down she went.

A second later I was on the ground too.

I was still staring at the police officer and I saw that she was staring at me too. She had a small smile on her face and I didn't get why, but then I saw the cell phone in her other hand. Before she had came in here she had called for back up.

"Gerard," I whispered, "she called for reinforcements."

He didn't say anything, but I saw him walk over to her, pick up the gun and shoot her in the head. He then crushed the cell phone and then I heard another gun shot, the man was dead too.

Gerard now came over to me.

He sat down next to me and pulled the upper half of my body into his lap.

I stared up at him as tears ran down my cheeks.

I didn't want to leave this world without him.

"Gerard, talk to me.. let me hear your sweet voice one last time."

He blinked down at me and now his tears began to fall.

"I'm so sorry, Kacey."

"For what?" I asked. He had no reason to be sorry.

"I should have never dragged you into this hellish reality that I live in. I should have never turned you into a blood thirsty monster."

I smiled weakly, "It's okay because for a while I got to have you in my life."

He pulled me up gently so my head was leaning on his chest. He then softly kissed the top of my head.

Breathing was becoming hard and I could feel that world slipping away from me. I didn't have much time left.

"Gerard," I whispered, "when I go I'll wait for you on the other side. What ever path waits for us on the other side we'll go down it together."

He was silent.

"Gee, talk to me."

"After you go I'll come shortly, I promise."

"I love you, Gerard."

"I love you too, Kacey."

His body then began to shake with agony and my body began to go still under his touch.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

Less then a minute after I told her I loved her she went still and the life went out of her. Her beautiful eyes stared up at me blankly.

I knew she was dead, but a part of me just couldn't accept that. My beautiful Kacey couldn't be dead.

Tears were blinding me, but I had to pull myself together. A SWAT car full of police would be here and minute and I needed to get Kacey's body and myself out of here.

I gently picked her limp body up in my arms and made my way into the basement. I laid her down as far away from the stairs as I could.

I found a can of gasoline in the basement and I ran upstairs with it. I dumped the gas everywhere I could and then I took my lighter out of my back pocket.

I stared at the flame for a second before I dropped it onto the gasoline-covered floor.

I then ran for the basement.

Once down there I laid down next to Kacey and whispered, "Here I come, babe."

I took the gun, placed it in my mouth, pulled the trigger and then the end came.

- - - - -

Liana's Point Of View

I stared down at my sister's gravestone and let out a shaky sigh.

Today's the fifth year anniversary of her death and today's the first time I've laid eyes on her grave.

It's taken me five years to accept what she did to all those innocent people, to in a way forgive her, and feel at peace with what happened.

For the longest time I was so very angry at her and I wanted nothing to do with the memory of her. I didn't want to think of her, but that was so hard to do considering we looked just like each other. I never wanted to be okay with what happened and I never wanted to forgive her.

Then one night I woke up and just started crying. In my sleep it had occurred to me that she was really dead and never coming back. I'd never be able to yell at her and tell her how I really felt about what her and Gerard did. I'd never be able to stare into her eyes that mirrored my own again. I realized then that I had to let go of all that because being angry at the dead wasn't going to change anything. And so I forgave her thus why I'm here.

"It's been five years since you left us, Kacey," I said.

Though the Kacey I knew was dead for a long time before that.

I then laid down over the spot where she was buried and shivered in sadness.

"I'm okay with all that you did now, I'm not mad at you anymore, Kace-ums."

Tears began to form in my eyes and I let them fall without shame.

"You're still my sister no matter what you did. I won't forget that ever again."

I crawled over to her headstone and ran my fingers over her name.

"I love you and miss you, sis."

Before I got up I gently kissed her name and before I walked away I set down a single red rose.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, yeah, I always hate endings too, but all good things must come to an end.

I'm trying to think of a way that I can make a sequel, but I don't know how I'll work that out since I killed off the main characters.


Ah yes, I just might have an idea.

