Love Like ***

Punching Your Lights Out

Gerard's Point of View

I sang softly to myself as I bundled up Alexis's dead body in a white, crisp looking sheet.

"Oh, my love please don't cry," I sang as I slung her body over my shoulder. "I'll wash my bloody hands and we'll start a new life."

I walked outside and into the chilly, morning air.
I sighed as I stepped through a puddle and into another one.

"Fucking rain," I mumbled to myself as I gently set her body down in the bed of my truck.

I then climbed into the drivers seat and started up the truck.
I turned on the radio, but instantly got pissed at it because it was all fuzzy.

"Fucking radio."

Today just wasn't a good day for me.
I drove for about an hour straight to get to Ocean Shores and then about another fifteen minutes before I reached the ocean.

I stepped out of my car and stretched, "Ah.."

This is why I lived in Washington, for the ocean.
I walked to the back of my truck and looked around to make sure no one was in sight.
I didn't see anyone or even any cars.

I smiled lightly at my luck and then pulled the latch on the bed of the truck. I then picked up the girl's body and flung her over my shoulder. I made my way down the sandy beach and into the cold water. I shivered as I worked my way deeper and deeper into the water, all the while carrying her over my shoulder.

Once I could barley touch the bottom I let go of her body and let her float away.
I swam back to shore and then I got back into my truck for the long drive home.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

"So what are your plans for tonight?" Liana asked as she jumped onto my bed.


Liana smiled, "I know, so that's why you should come clubbing with me."

I gave my sister a look that said all too many things and yet nothing all at the same time.

Liana pouted, "Please come with me, sissy?"

I shook my head, "No, you know I hate clubs."

Liana sighed, "But we never go out and do anything fun together!"

"Fine! I'll go."

"YAY! Thank you."

I shrugged, "Yeah, yeah."

- - - - -

Gerard's Point of View

I stopped by my house to change my clothes and to grab some supplies. I didn't know what I'd need exactly, but I know today was the day I was going to kidnap the twin with the black hair. I really had no plan at all, but I knew it would happen.

I packed my things and then left my place and headed towards where the twins lived.
Once there I looked up at their house and let out a shaky sigh. I wanted that twin so bad it hurt. I wanted her for so many reasons.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

Liana skipped down the stairs while I followed behind her slowly. I really didn't want to go to any clubs, but I wanted to make my sister happy.

"How late will we be gone?" I asked.

Liana shrugged, "I donno.. late."

I sighed, "Okay."

"You'll be back before five, so don't worry."

"I figured you'd say something like that."

"Well, it's not like you have work tomorrow, so you can stay out late."

"I guess that's true."


I smiled by best fake smile and grabbed my sister's hand, "Well, let's go!"

- - - - -

Gerard's Point of View

I heard them get into the car and I smiled to myself. Finally after a day of sitting in a trunk it was about to pay off.

I listened to them laugh and talk, which made him want to laugh. Neither of them would be laughing for much longer.

"So what club are we going to?" I heard one of them ask.

"I donno," the other said.

"Perfect," I whispered.

I could drug her drink and she'd go out like a lamp, making the kidnapping all the easier.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

I sat down with the drinks while Liana danced with some random, hot boy.
She was always such a partier, while I was more clam.
I took a sip of my beer and made a sour face. I didn't like beer much, but I still drank it.
After a while Liana came over and pulled me up.

"Dance with me, sis!"

"Okay," I mumbled.

We made our way onto the dance floor.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point of View

Once I saw the two go onto the dance floor together I snuck over to their table and poured about ten sleeping pills into her drink. And then I disappeared back out in the crowd to watch her.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

I got tired of dancing quickly, "I'm going to go rest for a bit."

Liana nodded, "Okay."

I sat back down at our table and chugged the rest of my beer.
I then watched as my sister dirty danced with that same random, hot boy.
Liana would probably get his number, they'd date for a while, and then he'd break her heart.
After a while I let out a long yawn. I then glanced at my watch and saw it was only eleven, too early to be tired.

And then a wave of nausea hit me.

I walked over to my sister; "I'm going to go to the rest room really quick."

Liana shrugged, "Okay."

I walked over to where I thought the bathroom was, but instead I walked into a storage room.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself.

I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned against the wall. I was feeling really faint and out of it. My lean against the wall turned into me sliding down the wall and onto the floor.
I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then forced them open again, but they just closed again.

- - - -

Gerard's Point of View

I smiled down at her limp body. I was smiling with joy as I picked her up gently and then exited the club through the back door.

Once outside I walked to a pay phone and called a cab.
The cab driver would just think she'd passed out, drunk. Perfect.
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