Love Like ***

Welcome To Hell

Liana's Point of View

I walked back over to the table where Kacey and I had been sitting. I took a drink of my beer and ran my fingers through my hair. I was hot, sweaty, pooped, and ready to go home, but Kacey was still in the bathroom.
Now that I thought about it she had been in the bathroom for a long time, around forty minutes. Which in my book was way too long to be in the bathroom.
I stood up and headed over to the bathrooms to check on my sister, but I didn't find her in the bathroom.
I checked every stall again, just in case, but I still didn't find her.
I went back out into the club and found the boy, Zach, who she had been dancing with.

"Hey," she said, "have you seen my sister?"

He shook his head, "No, I haven't."

I sighed, "Okay."

He kissed my cheek, "I'll call you later.

I nodded and then walked away. Right now I could care less if he called me, all I wanted to do was find my sister.
I wandered through the club asking random people if they had seen Kacey, but none had. Then I came across one who had and it was right around the time she went to the backroom.

"She was looking kind of ill," the girl said.

I nodded in agreement.

"So she got up and disappeared into the crowd."

"Thanks," I said with a sigh.

I went back over to my table and sat down with another drink, water this time. Now that I was thinking about it Kacey had looked ill when she said she was going to the bathroom. I let out a frustrated sigh.
I should have been a good sister and took her home when she said she wasn't feeling good. Instead I shrugged her off and let her wander off. I thought to myself as I left the club.
Maybe, just maybe Kacey got a ride home herself.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

When I opened my eyes I found myself chained to a bed in a dark room. Most girls and even some guys would scream in this situation, but I wouldnt.
Why, because screaming will get me nowhere. I could scream all I wanted and in the end I'd still be chained to a bed in a dark room.

So instead I opened my mouth and whispered, "Hello?"

Of course no one responded.
I stared at the dark ceiling waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I quickly grew sick of the silence so I began to sing softly to myself.
Then as if out of nowhere the lights came on, blinding me momentarily.
I blinked my eyes a few times to let them get used to the light and then I looked around the room. My jaw dropped slightly in shock at what all I saw.
For one the room was disgusting and had blood stains everywhere. On the walls, the floor, the ceiling, the bed, everywhere.
And for two the creepy guy from the store was sitting in a metal chair literally a foot away from the bed with a small, silver gun in his hands.
I gulped, but still I didn't scream.
He just smiled wickedly at me.

- - - - -

Liana's Point of View

When I got home I found that my sister wasn't home. Now I was really getting worried. If she wasn't at home then where the fuck was she?
The first thing I did was double check the house and make sure that Kacey wasn't here. Because ya never know she could have been hiding. Once I realized that Kacey really wasn't here I walked into the kitchen and called the police.
They told me that they're going to do everything they can to find her, but I still didn't feel any better.
Once I got off the phone I made my way upstairs and into my bedroom where I laid down and cried myself to sleep.
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