Love Like ***

I'm Cold Inside With Fear

Liana's Point Of View

I laid in my bed with the phone cradled in my arms. I was praying that the police would call and say that they found my sister. That they'd tell me she hadn't been raped, that she hadn't been murdered, that she hadn't been dumped in a dark alley, and that she was alive n' kicking.
But the phone call never came.
So I laid there with tears in my eyes, waiting for a phone call that wouldn't come for hours. And when it did come it was nothing but bad news.

"I'm afraid we can't find your sister," the officer said.

I sighed.

"And we can find any sign of where she disappeared to."

Once again I sighed.

"We're going to keep looking and put out a missing person report."
"Thanks," I replied and then hung up.

I was so worried and scared for my sister. Which made me think of how Kacey must feel right now. Scared and alone.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

I tossed the small silver gun from one hand to the other while staring at the girl in front of me. The look I was giving her wasn't exactly an evil look, but more like a look you'd give a lover. But that girl and I weren't lovers.
I soon grew bored of tossing the gun back and forth.
So I stopped and just started at her, still smiling that wicked smile of mine. ,br> She just stared right back at me. It was more like a glare.
Her face was so calm looking as if none of this bothered her. And that bothered me because I hated calmness. I liked, no loved seeing the terror in my victim's eyes. He loved the way they'd squirm and cry and beg for mercy
I somehow knew that she wasn't going to give me any of those things and that made me sad.
At first I thought, I should kill her right now, but then I decided, No, I'll play with her for a bit. Have some fun.
Yes, that sounded good to me.
I set the gun down in his lap.

"So my dear, do you want to live?" I asked.

She glared even more if that was even possible. Then she sniffed her nose and made that noise you make in your throat when you're getting ready to hawk a wad of spit and boogers.
And she spat that right into my face.
For a second I was shocked because no one has ever done anything like that before. But I soon regained his composer and wiped it off my face.
And then I laughed.
I laughed like it was the funniest thing that had ever happened.
And when my laughter died down it was incredibly quiet in the room.

I picked the gun back and then placed it on the girl's temple.
I left it there for a few seconds while my finger twitched at the trigger.
Sometimes I was too trigger happy though I did prefer a good stabbing every now and then.
The girl stared at me, still calm and collective.
And that really pissed me off.
I wanted her to cry and beg for her life.

Instead she said, "Shoot me if you're going to."

And that made me smile a real smile. Not one of my fake, creepy ones, but a real one. And that only happened once in a blue moon.
I sighed and sat y gun back down in my lap. I just couldn't kill someone with an attitude like that. She had guts to say that to me.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

I stared at the man as he stood up and pocketed his gun, not even bothering to put the safety on.
He reached down and tucked a stray hair behind my ear and then he laughed again.

"I like your attitude, my dear," he said.

And then he started walking towards the door.
Before he left he turned back and smiled again.
Then the lights went back out and I was left in the darkness once again.
Once again the silence started to bug me so I opened up my mouth and sang.
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