Love Like ***

Don't They All Just Look The Same Inside

Kacey's Point Of View

When I opened my eyes again the room was still as dark as ever. Except there was something different about the room. The silence wasn't so silent.
I listened closely and then I realized why it wasn't so silent in here anymore.
There was someone else in the room with me, but I didn't think it was the creepy guy from the store.
His breathing was quiet, almost as if it wasn't even there. But this breathing was loud and breathy and scared sounding.
I strained her eyes and tried to see in front of me, but it was no use. The room was just too dark, so dark in fact that I couldn't even see the wall that was right next to me.

I let out a long, shaky breath and then whispered, "Hello?"

Then I heard a muffled, "Help!"

"I can't help you," I whispered, "I can't even help myself."

And then I heard the girl scream, a long, painful scream. I quickly shut her eyes and tried my best to block out the scream, but as hard as I tried I just couldn't.

Then the lights came back on.
Luckily I still had my eyes closed so this time I could slowly open my eyes and light the light in instead of it all flooding in at once.
When I was able to fully open my eyes I saw that there was a girl duck tapped to the chair where he had been sitting earlier. Her mouth was taped shut, along with her eyes, but there was something wrong with her eyes. Blood was oozing out from under the duck tape and running down her cheeks.
Had he dug her eyes out just now? Is that why she screamed?
I looked over the rest of her and didn't see any recent looking wounds.
And then I saw him behind her with a bloody knife between his teeth.
He had a few blood splatters on his face, but besides that he looked the same.
He took the knife out of his mouth then walked over and sat on the foot of the bed that I was chained to.

"I think it's about time we got acquainted," He said while running the knife tip gently over the soles of my feet.

I stared at him, "Okay."

He smiled, "I'm Gerard."

"Hi," I whispered.

"Hello," Gerard said.

It was silent, well, not really since you could hear the other girl crying.

"And what's your name?" He asked.


"What a lovely name."

"Thanks," I replied.

He stood back up and walked back over to the crying girl.

"Well, Kacey, I have a deal for you."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"If you can make it a whole month with out screaming, crying, whimpering, or anything like that I'll let you go free, unharmed."

I laughed, "That would be wonderful, but how do I know you'll keep your word?"

Gerard smiled, "I'm a man of my word."

I snorted, "How do I know that?"

Gerard poked the crying girl with his knife, "Aren't I a man of my honor?"

The girl nodded.

"Didn't I tell you and your friend if you two behaved you'd go home safely?"

She nodded again.

"And your friend was good, so she got to go home," Gerard said while twisting the knife in the girl's thigh.

The girl laughed sourly, "Yeah, you let her go home.. Without her eyes."

Gerard pushed the blade deeper into her thigh and she let out a small scream.

"Yeah, I did take her eyes, but that was your fault for being naughty."

He twisted the knife again, "You were very naughty, weren't you?"

She nodded.

"Tell Kacey what you did," he demanded.

"I bit him," the girl whispered.

"Tell her where you bit me."

"On his fucking dick."

Gerard twisted the knife again and then pulled it out and licked the blood off.

"Lucky you didn't bite it off. If you would have I would have had to torture you for days instead of just a few hours."

Gerard took his pointer finger and shoved it into the stab wound on the girl's thigh and she screamed again.

I stared in pure horror, but I didn't scream.
Even if he didn't keep is word, it was worth it to try and get out, right?
I watched as Gerard took the knife and cut her stomach open, open. As in you can see what's in there.
The girl screamed until she couldn't scream anymore.
Gerard just smirked and reached a hand into her stomach and pulled out the first thing he could grab. Which happened to be some type of organ.
Honestly I didn't know which one it was and neither did Gerard.
The girl's voice came back and she screamed some more. And then out of the blue she just stopped screaming.

"Is she dead?" I whispered.

Gerard swung the organ around in the air and laughed happily, "Yeah, I think she is."

I gulped and then sighed.

This was going to be one long, long month.
Gerard turned around and faced me. He had blood dripping from his hands and organs at his feet.

"So is it a deal?"

"If we didn't have a deal I would have screamed when you gutted her."

Gerard smiled again.
A survivor, that's what I was.
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