Love Like ***

To Rot Behind A Trail Of Brains

Kacey's Point Of View

I opened my eyes to the dark room. I didn't know what woke me, but something did. Shivers were running down my spine and goose bumps were crawling on my arms.
Something was wrong, I just didn't know what yet.
I cleared her mind and listened to the room around me. But all I could hear was my heart beating and my lungs working.
I then opened my eyes wider and strained them. I looked around the room, but didn't see anything.
So I laid my head back down on the pillow and just stared at the wall in front of me.
And the more I stared at the wall the more I saw that there was a spot on the wall that was darker then the rest of it. And the more I looked at that spot the more I saw that the darkness was in fact in the shape of a man.
I knew that the figure was Gerard, but it still scared the shit out of me.

"Gerard?" I whispered.


"What are you doing?"

He laughed, "Watching you sleep."

I sighed. It was creepy that he was watching me, but I was glad that it was him instead of some other freak.

"I'm glad you're the one watching me and not some other freak," I told him.

He laughed again, "Go back to bed, Kacey. Tomorrow's going to be tough on you."

"Great," I whispered as I closed her eyes again.

I lay there for a while and then opened my eyes.
The dark figure was still there.

"Gerard?" I whispered again.


"Will you get me a night light next time you're in town?"

He laughed once again, "I guess."


"Good morning," Gerard said to me as I walked into the small living room type room.

"Morning," I mumbled while sitting down on the sofa.

"I'm hungry," I said, "What do you have to eat?"

Gerard looked over at me and smiled, "We'll get you some food here in a little bit, but first I have someone I want you to meet."


"So come with me," he whispered.

He then stood up and held out his hand for me and I took it.
It felt nice having his hand in hers, as strange as that was.
He then led us out of the room we were in and back into the never-ending hallway.

"One, two, three," Gerard counted as he walked past the doors.

On the fourth door he said, "Ah, here we are."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, silver key and then stuck it into the doorknob. The door clicked unlocked and then he pushed it open.
I stared into the darkness that was beyond the entrance. I really didn't want to go in there, but I knew I had no choice.
This game we were playing didn't go by my rules. It went by his.

When the lights came on I gasped at the sight in front of me.
There was a man, maybe fifty years old, leaning against the wall, unconscious.
Both his arms were lying limply and twisted in his lap. He had a long cut going from his temple to his chin. It was still bleeding.

Gerard pushed me deeper into the room, "Go wake him up."

I shook her head weakly. I didn't want to wake up this poor man and make him return to the horror filled reality. But I knew I had to because Gerard wanted me to.

"Do it, Kacey."

I sighed, "Fine."

I walked across the room to the man and when I came to him I touched him lightly on his shoulder. Even from that small touch he flinched in his unconscious state.
I already felt horrible for what I was about to do, but i had to wake him up. So I grabbed onto his left arm and pulled it.
The man's eyes popped open and he started screaming in my face.

I put my hand over the mans mouth and whispered, "Shhh.."

But still he screamed against my hand.
I tried to sooth him, but it wasn't working. So I got fed up of his screaming and smacked him, hard.
The man stopped screaming after I smacked him.
Gerard laughed from behind me, reminding me that he was there. Gerard then walked over to where we were and pulled the man away from the wall, making him whimper. He then pushed me down on my butt and I glared at him.

"Sit back to back," he demanded.

I did as she was told.
He then walked in front of the man, so I could no longer see him.

"How many doors did we go down?" He asked me.


"Count to four then, baby."




And as I said, "Four." A gun went off with a BANG

I literally felt as the man's head exploded next to mine. I reached up and touched the gunk that was on my cheek.
Gerard came and kneeled in front of me and looked me in the eyes.
I glared at him and he smiled.

"I love how you look covered in blood n' brains."

I laughed and flicked a piece of brain off of my face and onto his.
He stood up and laughed too.
I flicked him off and then left the room to take a shower.
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This is the last one for today.