Love Like ***

We'd Split 'Em Open With A Kitchen Knife

Kacey's Point Of View

I walked down the long, dark corridor. I could barley see my hands in front of my face. Let alone the door at the end of the way.

"Kacey," a voice whispered.

"Kacey," another voiced echoed.

"Kacey," more voices echoed.

And then one voiced screamed, "Kacey!"

I tossed and turned in my sleep, mumbling things like, "Stop that.. Shut up.. Leave me alone.."

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

I stared at her from across the room.

"Just a nightmare," I whispered to himself.

I personally hated nightmares with a fiery passion, so I felt sympathy for her. I walked across the room to the bed and ran my fingers softly over her cheek.

Then she mumbled, "Don't touch me."

My fingers froze against her cheek and I smiled lightly. I then went back to my post across the room, to watch her more.

Soon she began to whimper quietly, but before long those quiet whimpers were turning into loud whimpers.

I couldn't stand watching her suffer like this, so I walked back towards the bed and climbed in next to her.

When I was a child and had nightmares my mother would always hold me in her arms and make the bad things go away.

And so that's what I did, I cradled her in my arms and drifted into sleep.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

The first thing I did when I woke up was push Gerard off of me. He had his face buried in my chest, he was moaning softly, and he had a boner. Which I could feel against my thigh.

Gerard groaned as he landed on the floor.

"What was that for?" He asked groggily.

"For having your face in my breasts."

He laughed then itched himself.

I just gave him a foul look, "I'm going to go get some cereal."

He shrugged and then started undoing his pants so he could take care of his boner.

My eyes grew really wide and then I ran out of the room.

"I'm going out for the day," Gerard said as i poked at my Lucky Charms.

I looked up from her cereal, "Whatever."

He patted her head, "Behave."

I rolled her eyes, "Okay, daddy."

Gerard smirked and then walked out of the room.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

I didn't leave the building though and I wasn't planning to either. I was really going to go into a room down the hall and watch Kacey on camera. So I could see what she does when she's alone.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

Once I was done with my cereal I realized i had to pee really bad. So after I washed my bowl and spoon I ran into the bathroom.

As I was peeing I heard someone moaning softly in pain.

I gulped, finished peeing and then peeked behind the curtain.

What I saw made me gasp. There was a girl; naked, and tied up lying in the tub. She was unconscious, but she was coming back to reality.

When the girl's eyes did come open they instantly grew wide in terror and then she let out a loud scream.

I put a hand over her mouth, "Shut up."

The girl whimpered.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered. "Don't scream again, okay?"

The girl whimpered some more, but nodded her head.

I slowly took my hand away from the girl's mouth.

"I want out of the tub," the girl whispered extremely quietly.

I nodded, "Okay, but I need to go get a knife so I can cut you lose."

She girl gulped, "Okay."

I ran out of the room and then came back with a knife.

"Hold still," I mumbled as I cut the ropes that were binding the girl.

"Thanks," the girl said as she rubbed her sore wrists.

I just nodded, "Follow me and we'll go get you some clothes and food."

The two of us sat on the couch, talking.

"I'm Kacey."

The other girl smiled weakly, "Candice."

Then we were silent for a while.

"So who is he?" Candice asked.

"All I know is his name's Gerard and he likes Lucky Charms.. a lot."

"How long have you been here?" Candice asked.

"Only a few days."

"Then why aren't you dead?" Candice asked. I had told her about how I had seen Gerard kill two other people.

Then I said:
"I made a deal with him."


"He said if I didn't scream or cry for a month, he'd let me go free."

"Could I make that same deal?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, but honestly I don't think so since you already screamed."

Candice sighed and then out of nowhere she started to cry. And being the nice girl that I was, led Candice to the bedroom to lie down.

"Don't leave me," Candice whimpered as I started walking out of the room.

I sighed, "Okay." I then made my way back to the bed and laid down next to Candice.


"Welcome," I replied.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

Once I saw that the two girls were asleep I headed back to my room.

Kacey had her arm draped over the other girl's waist protectively.

I sighed softly to myself. I'd give anything to see these two girls having sex while covered in each other's blood. But that wouldn't happen, at least not with this girl.

I carefully moved Kacey arm and then I pulled out my handy dandy knife.

I placed a cloth over Candice mouth so she'd stay asleep. Then I stabbed my knife into her lower stomach, approximately where her spleen would be. I cut a fairly decent hole and then reached my hand into it, pulling out her spleen.

I held her spleen in my hand and then started laughing like mad.

Kacey bolted up in bed and stared at me with wide eyes. When she realized what I had done she just sighed, got out of bed, and went to lay on the sofa.
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