Status: ACTIVE? :D

Tell Tale Heart

Chapter One.

Boredom had struck big time today, I had done everything I had to do and no one was around. I decided to look through my special magazines; I got up off the lab chair and began pulling out books from the bookcase, I hid them from everyone behind there. I moved them around a little on occasion. I picked up the pile and placed them under a binder on my desk as I put the other biology books back as quickly as possible. I sat down relaxing as I placed the magazine in a large book about how DNA was founded, I grinned.

I placed my Marilyn Manson CD in the small stereo on my desk and pressed play, I began looking through the magazine, my eyes scanned the naked women on the page, although my thoughts kept wandering to Nick Stokes. I stifled a moan as my mind wandered even more; my jeans became increasingly tight around the crotch area. My eyes shut as I twitched violently in my seat; I cleared my throat and switched sitting positions.

I bit down on the left side of my lip, hard enough to draw blood. A whimper almost made its way from my throat, but I was interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder. My eyes flew open as I jumped in fright, my book and magazine dropping to the floor. I felt my cheeks heat up when I realized it was Nick; I turned around slowly to face him as I tried to hide myself from him.

“I came to ask you…if you wanted to come to a scene with me. It’s a four nineteen at the Las Vegas airport.” Nick said wryly looking around, seeing my little problem and my magazine on the floor, he chuckled lightly as I jumped off my seat and scrambled them together, as soon as they were securely in my grasp and hidden from sight in my lab coat, I turned to Nick.

“Oh, yeah sure. Sounds like fun…” I trailed trying to get my lab coat over my crotch; I nodded my head excessively as Nick raised an eyebrow at me, I smirked in response.

“You’ll need to go get changed.” Nick stated, his eyes still fixed on me in confusion. I grinned and followed him to the changing area; I was behind Nick shamelessly checking out his ass, I was certain he could feel my gaze.

“Sanders, stop staring at my ass, especially when you have an erection.” Nick stated looking me up and down before removing his shirt. My eyes were fixed on his perfectly toned torso, my eyes widened as he pulled on his shirt his muscles flexing as he did so. I bit my lip again drawing more blood; I touched it with my hand feeling my lip sting with sudden contact.

I spun around opening my locker, trying my best to hide my now full on erection. My cheeks were a deep shade of red and I looked flustered, I sighed and pulled off my lab coat and shirt wrapping the magazines inside. I rubbed my face trying to shake the thoughts. I grabbed my shirt and overalls, putting my feet in first and getting tangled.

“Nick, can you help?” I questioned looking at him helplessly.

“Sure partner.” Nick smiled, sending the butterflies in my stomach wild. I bit my lip as he crouched down and untangled the zip and then began zipping the overalls up, he brushed my crotch lightly, accidentally of course, I stifled a moan.

“Thanks Nick.” I smiled before shutting my locker. “Whose car are we taking? Yours I hope.”

“I’m not listening to Marilyn Manson…or The Black Flags!” Nick beamed as we left the locker room, waving to Archie.

“One Marilyn Manson is epically epic and its Black Flag, I'm not listening to Johnny Cash or any other country dude you like.” I resorted, chuckling slightly.

“Right whatever bud. So, what happened to your car?” Nick asked, showing genuine concern as we got into his SUV.

“I don’t know, It’s in the garage. It’s a hunk o’ junk but I love my Candi.” I snorted.

Nick shook his head as he backed out of the ‘lot, there was a comfortable silence in the car. Nick was humming a Johnny Cash song to himself and I was fucking around on my phone, my problem still was visible which made me incredibly embarrassed as it happened over Nick. Although, I think it’s normal to fantasize over colleagues, I'm sure Hodges does it over Wendy.

I rested my head on my hand and leaned back against the window looking at Nick, his concentrating face was adorable. I could watch him all day and not get bored; I knew Nick could feel my stare on him although he ignored it. Nick and I spoke about some random things on the way to the airport; I had to admit I was incredibly nervous I didn’t know how gory the scene was going to be. I hadn’t been too many scenes, but Nick had assured me it would be alright and not to worry.

Soon we had arrived to the scene and were being escorted into the airport and into a near the departure exit, David appeared from the room with a pale face and a look of disgust, he mumbled about needing some air and that it was incredibly gruesome. Nick said it would be alright as we entered the small room, there was blood spatter all over the walls and there was a strong smell of rotting flesh. I tried to contain my gag reflex as we went over to the body.

“Super Dave, can we move her head?” Nick yelled, mortified at the sight. “I need a better look at her head wounds and a few pictures.”

David came scuttling back into the room with his briefcase in tow he kneeled down next to us to take the liver temperature of the dead girl, it was the same as the room David said, I snapped a few pictures of the body and the severe head wounds. My stomach was lurching and turning insanely, I ignored the bile rising in my throat.

Something had caught my attention behind the desk as I was taking pictures of the blood spatter; it was a hammer sitting on the chair, it was covered in blood and bits of the women’s scalp. I gagged and gave the hammer to Nick to bag as I hurried out the room, I was going to vomit. As soon as I stepped outside my stomach contents were being splattered all over the parking lot floor, I felt a large hand rub my back I felt better instantly knowing that Nick had came and made sure I was alright.

“Holy shit, I'm such a pussy.” I mumbled. “I can’t even process a scene. Grissom will never let me in the field now.”

“Greg man, don’t be so hard on yourself.” Nick said soothingly sitting next to me on the step. “I puked the first time I was processing a crime scene and my first autopsy. Doc Robbins had a field day when it went all over his new floor.”

I laughed a little and pulled gum out my pocked and put two pieces into my mouth, I offered Nick a piece he took one and thanked me, I stood up and cringe at the sight a few feet in front of me. I asked Nick if we had to go get more evidence from the scene, he said we had enough and there was a bloody finger print and smudge inconsistent with the spatter of the victim’s blood, so it was probably from the killer.

Nick explained he had to go get the evidence bags and the cameras, he told me I could go back to the car he’d be down in a few. I followed his orders and got into his black SUV again after I took my latex gloves off and put them in my pocket, I sighed as my eyes closed and my head rested against the leather interior. I popped a bubble with my gum as Nick entered back into the car; I smiled at him as we made our way back to the lab.
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I'm Lauren. what do you think?
Nick/Greg slash. C'mon too cute to resist.