Status: Re-Writing.

These Situations

Parties, and Drugs, and Boys. Oh My!

The music boomed through the speakers causing everyone in the packed house to sway in different directions, people are grinding, smoking, and drinking. I inhaled deeply; the scent of several different smokes filled my lungs. It was intoxicating, and I loved it. People around me seemed like little flickers of energy in the background. I swayed back and forth in my spot, letting my surroundings consume me. Not a single care in the world.

"Ronni!" I heard a grumbled sound over the music. I opened my eyes and shoved the petite blonde beside me out of my way. Her piercing green eyes sent daggers through my back as a walked by.

My friend Candice stood a few feet past the blonde. Candice's fiery red hair was matted to her face with sweat, her emerald green eyes dull from the liquor, and her pale skin replaced with a light red blush. Her sky blue shirt was wrinkled, the dark blue skinny jeans were so tight I could make out her phone in her front pocket, and her five inch heels had her swaying in her spot. I shook my head and walked over to her grabbing her arm before she could topple face first into a group of drunken frat boys.

"Candy, are you drunk?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Ronni, can we go to the park? I want to play on the swings, and go down the slide." Candy slurred. I smiled down at the intoxicated ginger.

"Candy, it's two in the morning, we can't go to the park right now." I tried to stop myself from laughing. "We need to get you home, you need sleep."

"We can't go home Ron, there are so many cute guys!" She bellowed. The guys standing around us looked at Candice and smiled, the girls pulled their boyfriends closer to their bodies as if to claim their property. We began to make our way out of the overly crowded house.

Candy's face began to grow pale; I rushed to the trash can and put her head over it, just in time for her to vomit. I looked away trying to keep the contents of my stomach where they were. Two intoxicated men stumbled their way out of the house, laughing and bickering. They spotted Candy and I like prey. My heart began to beat faster in anticipation.

"Hello there, ladies." The tallest one slurred.

Candy stood up and looked at the boys. "Hello back."

The taller boy smiled at Candy. The shorter one, still taller than me, was smiling at me. I blushed slightly, but rolled my eyes. I did not want or need his attention.

Tall boy stumbled to his right a few steps before regaining his composure; he stepped closer to Candice and threw his arm over her shoulder. I questioned if he would have been able to do that if she weren’t wearing her five inch ‘hooker’ heals.

“So ladies, how has your night been?” Tall boy slurred, his voice starting to sound tired.

Candice giggled wildly, “It has been so much fun! I finally got the hermit out of the house!”

Short boy looked in my direction again. He acted as if he were going to say something; instead he fell flat on his ass. Laughter erupted all around; Candice, tall boy, myself, and some other intoxicated party goers laughed until it hurt.

“Would you two mind heading to our place for a few after party cocktails?” Tall boy asked. I was unsure about this but before I could object Candy spoke up.

“We would love to!”

Tall boy and short boy both looked at me for affirmation. I didn't have anything planned for a few days. I shrugged and looked at the two boys. "I suppose, not like we have anywhere to be."

Candice jumped up and down, her fiery red hair cascading around her. “I love you Ronni! I am so happy you finally pulled the stick out of your ass!”

Short boy busted out in laughter, it was loud and slightly obnoxious, but in some odd way I liked it. The fact that he was laughing at me bothered me to an extent.

“Fuck off Candy!”

I could see the remorse flicker through her glazed eyes. “Sorry, you know I love you! I am just so happy that I finally got you out of the house.”

“Whatever let’s get home,” short boy huffed impatiently, clearly not wanting to listen to Candy and I having it out.

“Ronni can I ride with him,” she asked, and then leaned closer to my ear. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. “He is kind of cute!”

I looked over to tall boy, he held his hands up in surrender, “I am not totally wasted, I can drive the five minutes to my house. I swear!”

Short boy scoffed, “One problem with that Shane, your car only has two seats, since you find it necessary to hoard shit in the back seat.”

Tall boy actually had a name, Shane, it suited him. I took this time to actually look at him. He was over six foot tall, his hair was brown and shaggy, and his eyes were and blue as crystals. His lips were thin, he had a slightly pointed nose but it works with his face, and he had a prominent jaw line. He was wearing jeans, a Falling in Reverse band tee, and a black sweatshirt. He fit well with Candy.

“Then you can ride with Randi,” Shane stated like it was the most obvious solution ever.

The words actually sank in, “My name is Ronni! Short boy is not riding in my car!”

“Short boy?” He laughed. His eyes gleaming with amusement. “My name is Nixon, and I'm not short, I'm actually taller than you.”

I felt a blush consume my cheeks. “Sorry, I give people names in my head sometimes.”

Candice and Shane walked slowly towards a beat down ’89 Honda Accord. I could see the piles of pure junk. Shane turned around and looked at Nixon, “You remember where we live right?”

“No shit Sherlock,” Nixon hollered back. “I’m not as drunk as you!”

“I call bullshit on that one jack ass!” Shane yelled as he closed the door to his car.

With that Nixon turned to me, and gestured around the yard littered with cars and drunk people. “Looks like we are stuck together. Where is your car?”

I lifted my hand with my car keys in it and pushed the button to the alarm. My car screamed to life, lights flashing and horns blaring. I saw party goers jump at the sudden noise. Once I spotted my white ’09 Kia Forte I silenced the alarm.

I made my way silently to my car; when we reached the doors I unlocked them. Candy and Shane were long gone at this point, probably already at their house. My stereo quietly played as we drove away from the party. ‘Everywhere I Go’ by Hollywood Undead began playing, I started to hum to myself.

I heard a chuckle, “You are definitely not what I expected.”

“Why is that?”

“Have you looked in a mirror? You look like you shop at Abercrombie and Bitch, usually girls that shop at stores like that don't listen to music like this, or talk to boys like Shane and I. You're just not what I had expected.”

I didn't know if I should have been insulted or not. I looked down at my outfit from the night; I was wearing my dark skinny jeans, a loose t-shirt, and a pair of black heels. I had thought that it was a casual looking outfit.

“I don't shop at any of those stores, especially not that one.” I defended. He held his hands up in a silent surrender.

I breathed deeply. A comfortable silence filled the small space between us. The intoxicating smell of smoke and liquor lingered in the air. My heartbeat quickened for a nanosecond.

“You smell like alcohol and smoke.” I stated.

Nixon looked at me like I was an idiot. His hazel eyes wide with surprise, “We just left a party. People drink at parties, and smoke.”

“I would have never guessed that, thank you so much for enlightening me.”

Slowly, he leaned over the center console of my car, getting uncomfortably close; his face was right next to my ear. The musty smell of weed and the strong smell of vodka drifted from his mouth towards my nose. I had to close my eyes for a brief second, remembering that I was still driving, to regain ever ounce of composure that I had.

“You’re so very welcome, gorgeous,” he whispered. My heart skipped a beat at the comment. “You might want to turn right, this is my house.”

I turned into the drive way and was slightly shocked at how normal their house looked. The house was nice considering where it was located in town. It was a little too dark for me to make out the colors of everything. The house looked like it was white though, and it had dark colored shudders. There were bushes in the front lawn, lawn chairs were sprawled around the lawn, some of them were dismembered. I swear I even saw some cans in the bushes outside of the bay window.

Nixon got out of my car and waited for me. I emerged from my car and I was able to fully look at the house, I was pleasantly surprised. “Shane is already inside; the living room light is on.”

I nodded and followed him to the door, the house smelled like a mixture of Old Spice and Chinese takeout. There were more cans scattered around the entry room. The walls were once white, and the carpet was dirty beige. I followed Nixon to the living room, there was a muffled noise coming from the television sitting against the furthest wall, there were four large beanbags thrown around the room, and an old brown couch sat against the wall opposite of the television. On the couch were two bodies, intertwined in the other. Candice and Shane were making out like there was no tomorrow. They didn’t even notice our presence.

Nixon cleared his throat; Candy almost fell off the couch in surprise. “Ronni, you finally made it!”

“It’s only been like ten minutes Can,” I stated. She looked at her watch.

“Oh um, I guess it seemed like longer than that.”

Nixon rolled his eyes and leaned against the door frame to the living room, entirely at ease. I finally found myself checking Nixon out. His black hair was covering his emerald green eyes, there was a smirk twisting at the corners of his mouth, he had a very strong jaw, and his nose was fairly small but it fit his face well. He was wearing jeans, converse, and a sweatshirt. I had to admit to myself that he was fairly attractive.

He must have noticed my stare because he looked over at me uncomfortably. “Don’t get any ideas, gorgeous.”

I felt my cheeks begin to heat up again, instantly giving away my embarrassment. The room was growing increasingly more awkward as we all stood there not knowing what to say or do next. You could practically cut the tension with a knife.

“Candy do you need some water?” I asked her, mostly just to get rid of the silence.

She thought for a moment, “It wouldn’t hurt.”

Shane jumped up from the couch. “I’ll go grab you a glass. Anyone else want anything?”

“A jack and coke for me.” Nixon lifted his hand as if he were at a bar ordering a drink.

“Get your lazy ass up and get your own,” Shane scolded.

“You asked jackass.”

“I was asking Ronni,” Shane retorted. “Would you like anything?”

I nodded, “Water would be nice.”

“Two waters it is,” with that Shane left the room. Nixon plopped down on the beanbag next to me.

He stared at me for a few seconds, “Are you even drunk?”

The question didn't really shock me but the fact that he asked did. “No, I don’t drink very much.”

“Why?” He pestered. “I mean usually people go to parties to drink.”

Memories flooded my mind for a few brief moments before I pushed them away. “I have had bad experiences with drunken people in my life. I am not really a fan of it, especially when it gets to the point of pure idiocy.”

I knew he had more questions, but he let it drop. I was extremely happy he didn't press any more. Candy reached down and grabbed my hand, she squeezed it reassuringly. I had almost forgotten that she was sitting there.

Shane returned with the waters, he tossed me one and handed the other to Candy. She opened it and chugged the entire bottle it a minute flat. I chuckled as she handed to bottle back to Shane as he dropped to the couch, he lazily dropped the empty bottle to the already littered floor.

“Sorry, I get really thirsty when I am drunk.” We all laughed as she grabbed my bottle and downed half of it.

Nixon got up from beanbag and walked out of the room. Not saying a word.

“Did I do something to upset him?” I asked as soon as he was out of earshot. Shane shrugged his shoulders in a lazy manner.

“He get's like that, just gotta let him do his own thing.”

I nodded, it wasn't my place to ask questions. I knew all too well that people pestering and asking countless questions gets old, fast. The memories flooded unwanted back into my mind. A tear slid down my cheek, I tried to wipe it away before anyone noticed.

“Ronni, are you okay?” Shane asked. He bent down next to me. I nodded furiously. “You are crying. Something is wrong.”

I wiped another tear away. “I am fine Shane. I promise. Where is your restroom?”

Nixon answered me. I hadn't heard him come back. “Down the hall last door on the left.”

I stood up and walked from the room. I heard Candy whisper something after I left, I didn't care. I entered the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Leaning against the door I slipped to the floor. Tears freely fell from my eyes. After fifteen minutes of babbling like a baby I stood from the ground and went to the sink. The mirror held the reflection of a stranger. Her long brown hair clung to her face, and her blue eyes were red and puffed. All traces of makeup were running down her face. That stranger was me. I turned the water on and splashed my face with it.

I opened the door to the bathroom, only to come face to face with green eyes. “Come with me.”

Nixon grabbed my arm and dragged me to a room two doors down. Once inside he shut the door. He didn't turn to face me though. I stood there awkwardly in his dark room. Waiting.

Out of nowhere he turned around, making me jump at the sudden movement. Before I could move or ask him why he brought me to his room, his lips were covering mine. My body didn't respond right away, I was frozen against his bedroom wall trying to decide what to do. For a brief moment I was going to push him away, then my body made it's own choice. My lips molded back against his, deepening the kiss. His lips slightly curved into the kiss, as he smirked. I could feel cold fingers beginning to trace circles on my stomach, the cold of his fingers was a nice contrast to the burning feeling coursing through my body. I could feel my heart beating in my entire body. Suddenly my mind caught up with me and I shoved him away. He stumbled back a few feet in the dark. The only sound I could hear was our breathing.

“I can’t do this. I don’t do this,” I shouted-whispered.

“Sorry,” his voice was husky as he spoke.

I shook my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts, and left the room. He didn't stop me.

“Candice, we need to go, now,” I announced grabbing my purse on the beanbag. Candice looked up at me her green orbs trying to decipher why I was in such a hurry. She must have noticed my flushed face, rapid breathing and puffy eyes. She turned to Shane and apologized for leaving in such a hurry.

“Call me tomorrow,” she told him. He nodded in shock.

Nixon was slowly walking out of his room as we left the house. I unlocked the car doors and climbed in. Once the car was started I pulled out of the driveway in a hurry. Candice had barely gotten a chance to put on her seat belt.

“Ron, I would like to live to see tomorrow, could you please drive like a normal person,” she hollered as a sped off. “You need to tell me what happened.”

My mind was still going a mile a minute, I had to think about answering Candy for a minute before I actually spoke. “He kissed me, not like a small kiss, he really kissed me. I got scared. So me being me, I ran.”

Candy nodded slowly as she processed the information. Slowly I could see a smirk forming. “Is he a good kisser?”

I glared at my best friend, “Not the point! The point is, I'm not that kind of person, I can't do those things, not after everything.”

She just stared ahead, “You can't run forever.”

I could try.