Status: I'm Working On It!

Of Misdemeanors and ***


Raven Frost

I never really thought too much about my somewhat odd relationship with Hayden Silverman--who’s real name I found out later on happened to be Hayden Crawford. He apparently hasn’t gone by that last name in awhile though. We sort of have an almost-too-awkward-of-a-relationship-to-possibly-survive sort of thing going on. Which may or may not have something to do with the fact that he’s never asked me out, I’ve never admitted that I’ve liked him, he’s never admitted to any feelings he might have for me and neither of us seem to be able to separate ourselves from each other completely.

And believe me I tried. I left once, but somehow we managed to run into each other again. In some twisted turn of events. Like some higher being wanted us to be together…

Pffft, as if.

Sure, we’ve kissed, on two occasions, one marking my first kiss ever received from a boy. That kiss was completely unconventional and completely accidental. But the second…that may have been my fault…okay it was entirely my fault. I kissed him that time, because I thoroughly believed that we were going to die that night in the snow, in the dead of Winter, only a few days before Christmas day. I know, dramatic, right? It was one of those times where we were both supposed to admit our undying love to each other just before we died in each others arms.

But, as you can see, I didn’t die that night, because, here I am, writing a story for you. The story of my time spent at the prestigious Shadowstep Academy, and my life as Raven Frost, thief and sarcastic bitch all in one.

Shadowstep Academy is a school for thieves, if you didn’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of it, because, well, most people haven’t, they keep it a pretty tight secret. Otherwise they’d have an overflow of mooching, no-talent thieves whining on their doorsteps. And that just isn’t very productive to have. So they recruit thieves at their leisure, making sure that they aren’t seen or heard while enlisting their students. The way I was recruited was a bit stranger than everyone else.

I didn’t exactly get a phone call or a letter or anything that said: WELCOME TO SHADOWSTEP ACADEMY! YOU’VE BEEN ACCEPTED! COME ON DOWN AND JOIN THE FUN!

I was actually knocked out by a few of the students on an extra assignment to kidnap me and bring me to the school.

Those are little details though, things that you probably already know about me. Let’s get to the new stuff shall we? Sex scandals and murder here we come!

…Okay not really.


Hayden Silverman

There’s a lot of speculation on what the fuck is going on between me and Raven. But hell, I can’t answer that question really, so why even ask? Raven is Raven. I’m me. We’re two completely different people, but when you put us together--as in near each other, not, like, dating or anything, just to keep the record clear--we get…amplified, I guess. Shit, I’m not making sense. I hate this sentimental crap.

I’ll just start with the beginning. Raven messed up one of my missions for extra credit and whatnot. Everything was going as planned before she came bumbling through the back door to reset the alarm. Idiot. After that, I couldn’t seem to get rid of her. She started attending Shadowstep Academy and turned out to be my roommate. Except at the time, I thought she was a guy, a guy named “Raymond” to be exact--which I later learned was her dead brother’s name, creepy, right? Then she started hanging out with my friends, and I saw her everyday, blah, blah, blah, she just started to fit in around me. Which wasn’t my fault, really, it was hers, and Dame’s and Lee’s. They all started becoming buddy-buddy and I was just along for the ride.

Then I figured out she was a girl. Yeah, that was awkward. Just, incredibly crazy, and awkward, and weird and tons of other stuff. I didn’t even know what to say. I was so dumbstruck by the information that the only response I could muster up was (brilliantly): “Y-you’re a girl! Y-you have boobs!”

I know, I’m a master of words. But I was freaked out! What the hell am I supposed to say when I realize a guy I’ve been hanging out with (being half-naked in front of) was a girl! On the other hand, I guess I should have expected it, I mean, it explained a lot of weird shit about “Raymond” and “he” really did have a girly sort of face.

What really pissed me off though was when Raven became Derek Fairborn’s new project. And I don’t mean that in a gay way, or a “challenge” sort of way. He literally would go out of his way to be in Raven’s way, beating the shit out of her almost on a daily basis. Sure, he didn’t exactly know that she was a girl, but damn! You just don’t hit a girl! So I may or may not have gone out of my way to beat the living shit out of him with Dame and Lee. There’s still a bit of speculation on that subject.

That stopped eventually though, since Raven decided to high-tail it out of Shadowstep Academy when no one was looking. She didn’t even take any of her shit with her, she left it all there to torture me, I’m pretty sure. And all she left me as a sign that she wasn’t fucking kidnapped or something was a note that said “I’m sorry, Raven”. Yeah, that was it, really. Nothing else on the other side of the paper or some shit like that, just some half-assed apology. Guess I don’t have to say it, but I was pissed about that for the next few months that she was gone.

Well, it wasn’t like I was thinking about her the entire time that she was gone. I mean, I was pissed, but I wasn’t infatuated with her, so I didn’t laze around sulking and sniffling because she was gone. Just for the record I didn’t cry when she left, that may seem like a trivial bit of information, but it’s important to me, so you better remember that, damn it. Some small part of me missed her, I guess. The part of me that liked having “Raymond” as my roommate. Raymond, the girly little, sarcastic wimp that had some weird but entertaining habits.

Like this one time, she tied bells around her ankles and went stalking through the halls at Shadowstep trying not to make any noise. Weird stuff, seriously.

Forgetting all of that though, I’ll skip ahead to where we are now. Long story short, Raven’s back at Shadowstep Academy and so am I. And this time, she’s attending as a girl and with her own name, well sort of. She’s sort of using my last name, the one that I’m not using, that is. Whatever, that’ll be explained later. Oh and just to make things more interesting, I got my roommate back.

Yeah, Raven’s my roommate, and yeah, everyone knows that she’s a girl, and I have the only co-ed dorm at the entire school, how fucked up is that? Thanks to my dad, Raven and I share a room again. And it will just be oodles of fun. Bastard.
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The layout is boring, I know, I disgust myself with my boringness, but I shall fix it soon :) I wanted to get the chapters up and then work on the layout, so I hope you enjoyed the start!