Status: It's a work in progress... I wrote the base story about a year and a half ago, and now I'm revising it and putting it on here.

Sapphire Flyer

Kanna is a fifteen-year-old girl that has spent the past three of those years in captivity, and is destined to remain there until she turns eighteen, and is to be married off to the Lord of the territory. She has plotted and schemed for months on a plan to escape her imprisonment and, on a dark, stormy night, sets her plan into motion. After running as far and as fast as she could, she finally collapses into the mud, her ankle broken from a hole in the road. It was, either by pure luck, or fate, an eighteen-year-old man, named Ryukashiin, finds her and takes her away from the land she was held for so long. It is not very long after that Kanna discovers that there is more to the world than she had ever known, and that Ryukashiin is holding a dark, possibly deadly secret...
  1. Prologue
  2. Chapter One
    Where am I?
  3. Chapter Two
    Such events are... unfortunate
  4. Chapter Three
    She is to be returned at once...
  5. Chapter Four
    His disdain for us growing...