I'm In Love With My Best Friend, But He Doesn't Even Know I'm Gay.


Brendon’s POV

As I munched on my cinnamon toast crunch, I giggled causing milk to squirt out of my nose as Scooby-Doo ran from the abominal snowman. Ryan was still sleeping so I turned slightly to make sure I hadn’t woke him up. Sure enough though, he was propped on his elbows, looking at me grumpily.

“Did I wake you?” I asked sheepishly.

He shook his head, “No.”

His words barely came out a whisper his voice was so hoarse. He probably had a
hangover. I smiled at him before turning and getting off the bed. I sat my bowl of cereal on the tv and walked over to the bedside table. I grabbed the headache medicine and the Pepsi
I had gotten earlier. Handing them to Ryan, then walking back over to the tv and getting my cereal before sitting back on the bed.

Soon I finished my cereal and headed downstairs to put my bowl away. As I placed it in the sink, my hand grazed the side of the sink.

“Fuck!” I yelped, instantly pulling it towards my chest, nursing it.

Looking down I realized Ryan and I had forgotten to take care of it last night. The gashes
were bleeding again and it was turning weird colors. Shit. I ran upstairs quickly.

“Ryan! Ryan! We need to go to the emergency room cause my hand is disfunctional!” I
yelled as I ran into the room.

Ryan’s head shot up, “What’s wrong?”

I held out my hand and he examined it, “Oh my!”

He jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready. I was already dressed, so I sat patiently and
waited. Once he was finished, he slowed down to help me up. Snatching my keys off the bedside table, he walked me out the door and down the stairs. Climbing in the car, he shut the door behind me. I put my seatbelt on best I could with one hand. Ryan got in and shut the door. Sticking the key in the ignition, he sped off towards the hospital.

Ryan skidded to a stop infront of the emergency room doors and got out. He walked around the car and opened the door for me. Helping me out of the car, he slammed my door. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What? You’re hurt,” he said defensively.

I snorted, “Not bad enough that you got to be rushin’ me in here like I was a pregnant lady or
something. And turn off my car, get the keys, and lock it.”

He sighed and stopped walking. He went back to the car, killed the ignition, and pressed the keypad. The beep, beep of my car’s sercuity system made me smile. We walked into the emergency room and to the front desk.

“How may I help you?” the lady behind the counter asked.

I smiled at her, “My hand seems to be infected with something.”

I held it up so she could see. Her eyes didn’t grow big, she didn’t make any faces, she didn’t even say ‘gross’. Instead, she grabbed a clipboard and handed it to me.

“Fill this out and give it back to me,” she responded.

Ryan took it and tugged on my good hand. We sat down and Ryan began to fill the forms out
for me. I have a feeling I’m going to be in here for a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really sorry everyone. About everything. My chapters aren't long enough and I'm not updating like I should. But for this chapter especially. I'm sort of going through a complicated thing right now with my fiance. So, I apologize for my chapter not being longer. My eyes hurt from crying and I really need sleep. I actually think my eyes are going to be swollen, so with that, I bid you adew. Once again, I apologize.