College Dorms At the Top of the Mountain

Let me go swimming in your eyes.

Jon was standing in Spencer's perfectly clean room, looking for something, anything. A sign at least.

Ryan and Brendon had told him that Spencer loved him. He couldn't really believe that anyone could like him, much less love him. Stupid Brendon. Stupid Ryan.

Spencer's so pretty, witch his freckles and cute stick-out belly. Jon just wants to kiss his gorgeous lips and seduce him. The problem is, Spencer is mute.

He's never heard his voice and he wonders what it's like. Soft? Deep? Gruff? High? Jon needed to know. He's so curious, but he loves the way Spencer keeps everything a secret.

He sits on Spencer's too clean bed and fiddles his thumbs. He sighs.

"Come on, Spence. I need a sign."

His head turns toward the dresser and he laughs.

"Of course."

He opens the drawer and rummages through papers, pens, and..condoms?

Jon laughs and rummages some more.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a folded up paper with a half colored heart on it.

Smiling, he picks it up and reads;

He smells good.
His beard is sexy.
He gives good hugs.
His smile is gorgeous.

Jon smiled and turned over the paper, fearing the worst.

He doesn't like me.

Jon frowns and grabs a pen. How could he think that?

He writes, "He loves me" on the pros and fills the heart whole.


Spencer smiles as he holds the paper to his chest.

"He loves me!" he screams in his head.

He contemplates on whether he should see him or not.

He paces across the room and decides to give Jon a visit.

Jon's hotel room is only five doors down, but it seems like forever as he walks down the hallway.

He stops at Jon's door and sighs loudly.

His knocks are so feeble, he hopes Jon can hear them.

He waits five seconds or so, then raises his hand to knock again.

Before he can, the door opens and there stands Jon.

He smiles and Spencer can't help but blush.

"You read the pros?"

Spencer nods and then signs, "I love you, too."

Jon hugs Spencer and kisses his lips, leaving Spence breathless.

He picks Spencer up and carries him into his room.

"We have time for everything..and whatever you want."

Spencer smiles and lays his head on Jon's chest.

My heart will go on.
♠ ♠ ♠
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