He Was Her Gravity

Chapter 1


No matter how hard her legs worked, Sofia couldn’t flee fast enough. The wind couldn’t brush through her rain-dampened, golden curls quickly enough. A thousand miles wouldn’t be far enough.

There was only one thing, a single person, who could calm the raging waters of agony crashing through her battered heart. He alone would be able to halt the bleeding of her soul, matching the crimson spilling from her wrists. No one else could save her from herself, and that was exactly what she needed.

Tears intermingling with the fresh water pouring from the pregnant clouds, Sofia dashed across the slippery green lawn, hurrying toward his first floor window.

“Cal! Cal!” she whisper-yelled, knocking gently on the water-streaked glass. “Calyx!”

Like always, he didn’t make her wait another second before appearing on the other side, soft auburn locks brushed to the side, reaching to his creased brow.

“Sof? What are you-” he came to an abrupt halt at the sight of the blood trailing in rain-diluted streaks down her arms. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

Sinking to the wet grass, Sofia let her gaze travel up to the brilliant full moon glowing in the dark sky, only partially obscured by the clouds.

How could he do what he did? How could her own father come on to her? Touch her? Even thinking about the incident, Sofia felt dirty. Worthless. Her dad had cheated on her mother with her, after hours of fighting and throwing his poor wife around. Well, he hadn’t actually done that. But what he’d accomplished before passing out was plenty.

Nothing could erase the image of his evil smirk as he tore at her clothes in his drunken haze, muttering about what he was going to do. The bitter smell of alcohol as he pressed his lips violently to her face… It was enough to make her hurl.

But instead, she retreated to her razorblade. What was one more scar to the purple collage decorating her otherwise smooth skin? What was a little bit of physical pain to ease the ache of the torment constantly assaulting her heart? Somehow, she’d even convinced herself that bleeding appropriate. “Every time I die a little inside, why shouldn’t I on the outside too?” So when her father hit her, or her mother, denounced her, or told her she was worthless, she would run to her blades, taking comfort in the loss of her life-force. Of course she knew logically that it was ridiculous, but it was something she had to do.

“Sofia..” Calyx murmured, sliding to the ground next to her, two white towels in hand. “Baby, why?” he asked, gently pressing the rags to her gashes. His beautiful eyes twinkled in the moonlight, always her favorite of his features. The rain had already soaked through his flannel pajama bottoms and grey tee shirt, plastering his hear to his forehead.

“H-He tried t-to r-r-rape m-me,” she stuttered, over her sobs.

“Oh, Sofia,” he soothed, doing his best to stifle the flare of anger flashing in those stunning cerulean eyes. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” His voice was like silk, softly caressing her soul.

Careful not to disturb the towels on her wrists, Calyx gently urged her face closer to his. “Sof, I’m not even going to pretend I understand what you are having to go through. I can’t imagine… But Baby, a person, even a girl as strong as you, can only take so much.”

Blonde locks clinging to her neck and face, Sofia nodded, his hands moving with her. “I-I know. B-But if I t-turn him in, where will I go? M-My mom will leave me. She s-said so.”

Sofia breathed in her savior’s sweet scent, finding comfort in it as her mind wandered to her mother’s threat. “If you ever mention this to anyone, I swear to God I will take off in the middle of the night and leave you to fend for yourself,” the woman had sneered after Sofia’s first, and last, mention of the police.

“You will stay here,” Calyx murmured, bright blue eyes searching hers. “Stay with me Baby. My roommate already said he’d be fine with someone else living with us. You’re almost 18! It’s perfect!”

She looked back up at the moon, not really considering his offer. It was the same one he’d been pushing her to accept since he’s moved away from his parents when he turned 18 a year ago. “Cal, he’s not going to let me leave. No matter where I go, he’ll follow.”

Brushing a strand of wet hair behind her ear, he grinned. “Let him. We will leave tonight! Really leave. Pack up our bags and never come back. Sof, I love you. I will not let this continue any longer than it has to.”

Surely they couldn’t avoid her father all their lives. And what happens when Calyx dumps her? No one can expect him to remain with a broken, shell of a girl forever. She hadn’t ever been able to tell him she loved him. Did she even know what that felt like?

But what if she stayed. What then? Her dad was sure to get his way sooner or later, stealing the last shred of innocence she had left. His abuse wasn’t going to stop all of the sudden…

Sofia struggled to find something solid to hold on to in so much uncertainty and doubt. Something stable to grasp onto. Something she could eternally count on. She longed for something to keep her grounded to the earth.

And when she tore her gaze from the glowing mass in the still pouring sky, she found it. Sitting cross-legged in front of her, pressing damp, crimson-stained towels to her cuts, stare boring into her face with determination and love, was exactly what she was searching for. The look in those stunning eyes help hope, and promise, and adoration. True, she had no written guarantee that he would never abandon her, like the rest of the world. But those eyes… She knew she could count on him. He was her gravity.

“Sofia, I love you,” he repeated, a little anxious at her long hesitation. “Please, do this for yourself.”

Fighting the corners of her mouth down, wanting to give nothing away with a smile, she closed the short distance between them, pressing her chilled lips to his, warm and soft. They opened in response, and his hot breath mixed with hers, engaging in a fiery kiss.

Reluctantly, she pulled away, brushing the towels off her wrists, as the bleeding had ceased, and cupped his smooth jaw in her small hand. “Calyx, I can’t do this for myself.”

His face fell at her reply, panic and desperation replacing the determination and hope that had resided there moments before.

“Cal, I can’t do this for myself, because I’m doing it for us.”

Doubt flashed across his features, unsure if he was understanding right. But the look in her eyes chased that worry away. She was serious!

A euphoric smile, brighter than the moon, lightened his face as he leaned in and brushed his lips back against hers, right where they belonged. And suddenly, she knew. She was capable of feeling it, despite all she’d endured. It was raw, and potent, and real. Burning hot inside her soul. She knew.

Pulling back only a fraction of an inch, just enough to speak, Sofia murmured, smiling, “Calyx James Hunter, I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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