When You Smile, I Melt Inside


Just think happy thoughts, just think happy thoughts, kittens, presents, true love, laughing, anything to keep these tears hidden. Anything to let her know she hasn't gotten to me. Pretty soon they will leave and I can disappear back into the crowd, to walk along these echoing halls un-noticed once more, until she decides to taunt me again.

Honestly I don't know what her problem with me is, I keep to myself, I don't talk back, come to think of it I hardly talk at all. I felt something collide with my stomach and I fell to the ground in pain. Laughter erupted around me.

"Maybe now, you'll have some respect." Someone spat. "When Gwen asks you a question, you answer."

"Doug you know the little cutter can't talk." A high-pitched voice said. I looked up, high heels, small skirt, tube top, Gwen. The bane of my existence, the girl who hated my guts, the girl who had everything I wanted.

I stood up and brushed myself off, then looked over to where Gwen was now standing. And there he stood Gwen glued to his side. He didn't speak, he just stared. Gwen looked at me then to him then back at me.

"She's doing it again!" Doug yelled, punching me in the stomach again causing me to fall again and hit my head on the cold pavement.

Click, click, click.

The sound of Gwen's heels coming toward me echoed in my head. She kneeled down next to me and looked me square in the eye.

"If you ever talk, look, or even think about my boyfriend ever again I will make your life a living hell." She smirked and went back over to her group. One by one they walked away from me, until only Doug, Gwen and he was left.

"This is just the beginning." Doug warned before leaving.

"Come on baby." Gwen cooed "Lets leave this loser here to rot." She shot me a death glare and pulled at his hand. He gave me one last pity filled look before turning his back and walking away.

I sat up on the cold concrete, my head spun but beside that I didn’t feel all that bad. This wasn't the first time Gwen and her posse had picked me as a target. I was beginning to get a massive headache. I put my hand to the back of my head where the pain was coming from, I winced and took my hand away.

I stared down at my hand. It was coated in something, warm, red and sticky.


I was never one to have a strong stomach so when I saw what was in my hand I became immediately queasy. Blood in any way shape or form had always made me pass out.

"Hey are you ok...whoa."

I looked up to see a spiky brown haired boy accompanied by a boy with a Mohawk. They looked at my hand and then to me, then I blacked out.