When You Smile, I Melt Inside


The word quickly spread through the school.

"Hey did you hear about Nona?"

"Yeah she doesn't remember a thing. She didn't even know her own name."

"That's awful."

"That's hilarious."

"That's perfect."

All over Mandrake High school, Nona was the topic of choice, and not in the usual trash talking way. The school was planning to be extra careful not to affect her 'condition'. All except a group of 6 students at the end of the hall. The stood there with grim looks on their faces. Plotting, plotting a way to take Nona Decaire out of their lives forever.

Now this group didn't have anything against Nona, she had done nothing to them. But they had made fun of her for so long, that it had become a custom to them.

The group consisted of Gwen Faber, who at one time was close friend with Nona, no one really knows what happened to their friendship except for the two girls.

Next was Doug Steers, he had never really liked Nona, but they had been childhood friends before his father was shipped to the army and he became sour towards the world.

Next was Doug's girlfriend Kerrin Barr. She being the newest addition to the group knew nothing about Nona. She had moved to Chicago just a few months ago and only made fun of Nona for fear of losing Doug.

There was also Gwen's new best friend Cindi Audet. The blonde bombshell, though she would never let it show. If she showed how smart she was Gwen would attack her, so she kept it to herself and purposely did bad in school

Also in the group was Cindi's twin brother Dallas. Again these two twins had nothing against Nona in fact when her parents were still alive, Nona was their neighbor.

Finally, the last boy in the group was Gwen's boyfriend Tom DeLonge. The boy Nona was hopelessly in love with, not that she would let anyone know that. He had always been kind to Nona and no one quite knows the reason why. Whenever someone asks he gets all defensive which only leads Gwen to punish Nona.

The group stood quiet watching the halls swarm with Kids.

"Well, look who has finally arrived." Doug said pointed to the girl shuffling through the hallway.

"She's got someone with her." Dallas pointed out a spiky browned haired boy walking beside Nona.

"Make that two somebody's" Cindi said pointing to the other boy walking beside Nona, sporting a Mohawk.

"Yeah well they probably just feel sorry for her." Gwen spat back flipping her blonde hair behind her back.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that." Kerrin said pointed back to the two boys and Nona. The spiky haired one leaned down and kissed Nona.

"He's cute, I approve." Cindi nodded.

"Who are you now, her sister?" Gwen growled at her.

The group gazed at the scene with shocked faces, all except one,


For some reason that he could not understand this scene sparked a feeling inside him.


But why? Nona had nothing on Gwen. Gwen was skinner, prettier, and more popular. Everything that was important in high school ... right? But still as he tried to convince himself it was nothing, the feeling grew. He wanted this boy away from Nona, he wanted Nona all to himself. There was no denying it any longer, he loved her.

Tom loved Nona.

But he couldn't tell the others that oh no, he couldn't let it show, he had to tell Nona and he knew exactly how to do it.

"Hey guys," Tom said the groups attention turning to him. "I have a plan."