When You Smile, I Melt Inside


I can't believe this is happening to me. I can't believe that someone like Tom would want me. He would want to call me his girlfriend, to kiss away my pain and protect me from my fears. I practically ran to the cafeteria in a dream like daze. Finally for once in my life things seemed to be going right. I scanned the cafeteria for Tom and found him sitting with his friends; we caught each others eyes and smiled. I looked over and caught Gwen's gaze. Something clicked in my head and I ran from the cafeteria. I finally remember. I remember everything, everything about Tom, about Gwen, about their whole little entourage of friends.

I remember that I was in love with had a crush on Tom, and Gwen hated me. We used to be best friends until she became popular. We never really had problems with each other; we just didn't hang out anymore. It hurt, but I wasn't about to go and bring her down, she looked so happy with her new friends.

The Queen Bee of the school when we were in grade 9 was Amanda Kitcher, a grade 12, and Gwen's new best friend. She always seemed to have a problem with me, with my clothes, my hair, my voice, whatever she chose to loathe that day. Gwen was never part of the taunting, but when Amanda graduated and passed on her position to Gwen, she became addicted to the power. She'd cut everyone down, and since I was Amanda's favorite target, naturally she decided to carry on the tradition.

Hanging with the popular, older kids does have its downfall. Gwen tended to get drunk a lot, and her friends were teaching her to drive, not the best combination. Then it really hit me. I did remember everything, the things I was meant to forget. The thing that tore my life from me, the reason Tom was always so nice to me, the reason I never talked to anyone, the reason my parents were dead. I sat down on a bench and pulled the paper I always carried around with me. I remember now who it was for and what the words meant.