Status: comments...?

Take A Deep Breath, Throw It All Away.

And I'm Watching You

"Okay gimme your schedule," he commanded. I gave it to him shyly.

"Your first class is to the left, third door on the right. Then for second period go up the stairs and to the right and then to the left and its the second door on the left. Then go down three classes and that's your third hour. Then go to the cafeteria, and then go down the stairs and to the left and its on the right. Then the door across the hall from it is your next class. And then you can go home. Get it?"

"Uh, no not at all." I looked at him like he was insane.

"Pat!" he called across the hallway. A short boy with hair as long as mine came up to us.

"HI! I'm Pat!!" the boy said happily.

"I'm, uh, Jaylie."

"Hi, Jaylie!!"


Kennedy spoke up, "Pat, show her around, alright? I think you have a class with her."

"Okay! Bye, Kenny!"

Kennedy walked down the hall aways and grabbed a girl and started sucking face with her. My stomach dropped to the floor and I frowned.

"Who's that?" I asked disgustedly.

"That's Kenny's girlfriend, Holly." He looked at me. "Don't worry, we don't like her either."

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah, me and the band...?"


"Kennedy didn't tell you? Oh, there's five of us that are in a band together. We're called The Maine." He smiled proudly.

"That's cool." I peaked around his head. Yep, they were still sucking face.

"You like him, too, huh?" Pat said and I instantly looked back to him.


"You like Kennedy."

"No I don't!" I lied. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"You're blushing!" He smiled. "JAYLIE'S GOT A CRU-USH!!" he sang.

"Shhhh!" I told him.


"Shut UP!"

A taller boy with red-brown hair came up behind Pat. "Is he bothering you?" he asked.

"No, not really."

"Garrett go away this is MY new friend!" Pat said, standing in front of me.

"I'm Garrett," the boy said to me, ignoring his friend.

"Jaylie," I said, smiling and waving.

"You new here?"


"Gimme your schedule."

"Pushy, pushy..." I mumbled, handing it to him.

"We have first and second period together. And Pat's in your third hour. And we're both at your lunch," Garrett said, handing it back to me.


The warning bell rang shrilly in my ears and Garrett said, "Let's get to class, shall we?"
♠ ♠ ♠
It's boring, I know, but I promise it will get better.

Please please please comment and tell me how I'm doing!

Love you guys :D <3