Status: active :)

Delila Diallo and the Slytherin Sex God

Queen of what?

So I spent the entire night tossing and turning, unable to sleep for fear of not having the option of waking up. When I walked downstairs that morning, I was surprised that no one was staring at me as I passed. Or cringing. Or bursting into small fits of whispering. Or dropping random items just so they could turn around and get a look at me.

In fact, it was quite the opposite. People avoided looking at me as I walked past, as if my very presence offended them. They sat up straighter in their seats if they saw me coming. The whispering stopped when I neared. Their gazes stayed steadily trained to the person they were talking to or the food on their plates. They were all trying very hard to ignore as if just by looking at me they could catch some disease.

A disease...

It took all my willpower not to swear out loud for no reason. Looking over at the Slytherin table, I scanned the rows of students to find Draco. I sat down next to some fourth years and lifted the plate, letting it drop with a bang. That made everyone look at me, including everyone from the other houses. On the inside I was extremely nervous but on the outside I radiated power. I became the girl who wanted only to leave again and through that persona, I became strong.

"What in the Lord Voldemort's name is going on here?" I hissed at them.

That had the effect it was intended to. Several people shuddered and looked away. More than half of the table began to make as much noise as possible by tapping their forks against their plate. Only a handful of people stared straight back at me and I made a mental note of who they were. They were all children of known death eaters.

"You," I said, snapping my fingers in a boy's face. He looked to be a couple years younger than me and his hair was greasy. He seemed like the kind of person who would answer me if he was afraid. "Answer the question."

The boy stared blankly back at me. I waited, somewhat patiently, for him to answer, before I got bored. Turning to the next kid in line, a girl who looked to be little more than a first year, and said, "Answer the question."


"Why?" I echoed, scoffing, "Because I'm the queen of Slytherin and unless you want your ass kicked, I'd start talking."

"You're not the queen," The kid replied.

I blinked at him, confused. I opened my mouth to reply to him, “They found that weak... so they chose me." And just like that, Daphne was sitting calmly in front of me and the room once again exploded with sound.

Shaking my head, I looked for another place to sit. It wasn't that it really mattered what my status was, but it did matter that soon I would be able to leave. From the very end of the table, a pale hand waved at me. I froze. Familiar grey eyes stared straight at me, silently beckoning for me to come over.

I headed over there, trying to keep my confidence, but feeling it falling with every step. When I finally faced him, for the first time in what seemed like weeks, all I could get out was a choked sentence, "What do you want?"