Life Without Love Is Like a Song Without a Bass Line

Chapter 5 : Nightmares Can Sting

“Sorry Miss Toro, we’re hiring and she was the most recent we turned down…” She then returned her gaze to the clipboard in her hands, “Well, we were hoping we could talk.” She said sweetly with a forced smile. “Oh, I’m Nurse Joy by the way.”

“Oh, well, what did you want to talk about?” I asked nervously. My eyes shifted around the room, still nothing to focus on.

Ray’s POV

“What’s taking them so long?” I asked pacing back and forth in the hallway gaining the stares of passing by doctors and nurses, even a few families.

“Maybe you should just sit down and relax,” Frank offered.

“Relax? Relax?! You expect me to relax while my little sister is in there?” I cocked my eyebrow and stared him down, “She is in there and I could have helped her but I, I walked out on her!”

“Ray, chill. They can handle her.” Gerard said placing his hand on my shoulder.

“But, they can take her away from me,” I said releasing a long heavy sigh, “I’m nothing without Katie.”

“And she’s nothing without you, Ray.” Gerard said reassuringly as I took a seat next to him. As the minutes passed, it felt like hours or even days before this ‘Nurse Joy’ came back out.

“Well, Mr. Toro, you may take her home but she must not be left alone. You must keep an eye on her and make sure no sharp objects come near her unless under supervision or if injury tended to properly.” This woman emphasized certain words I already knew would never happen again.

“What about that pill?” Mikey asked cautiously.

“It was simply a Dayquil.” She said reassuring me. “Make sure she doesn’t take any medicine unless you watch her take it and tell her to or have been told by her she was taking it.” I nodded showing understanding. “Are you going to be taking her home?” she asked, I nodded again. Why wouldn’t I take her home?

-Time elapse-

Caitlyn’s POV

“Ray, you really need to relax!” I said pushing Ray through the doorway as we reentered the house.

“Relax? Why is everyone telling me to relax?” Ray shouted.

“You need to, that’s why.” Frank stated. Ray jumped and spun around clutching where his heart is.

“Don’t do that!” He shouted.

“Ray,” I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder, “you should go take a nap.” Ray opened his mouth to say something, “No, I’ll be fine. The guys will keep an eye on me, you really need to relax.” I stated pushing him towards his room.

“But Caitlyn!” Ray shouted as I slammed and locked his door in front of his face.

“No buts, you need to chill!” I shouted back throwing myself onto the couch and flipping on the TV. I heard Ray muttering curses and other things under his breath. The guys all sat around the living room watching cartoons with me.

All around me was a pool of blood, no wait, I’m in a pool, filled with blood? I ran my hand through the sticky substance, it was blood. I felt something brush my leg, this is the part in a movie where someone screams, “DON’T TURN AROUND!”, or, “GET OUT OF THE WATER!” because they all know what happens next, and so do I. Another something brushed my other leg, it could just be the same thing. Because of instinct, I began to panic. Another something, felt like a rope, engulfed my ankle. I let out a blood-curdling scream, my eyes went wide, and tears poured from them, blood tears. I was dying, from the inside and out. I was torn from the surface and drowned into the deep red depths. My eyes refused to shut and my breathing as well, the blood flooding my lungs. Everything went from a face in my living room to the sinking red depths. I started to shake uncontrollably. Mikey’s sweet voice filled my ears, “Katie? Katie, you gotta wake up.”

My eyes shot open faster than a speeding bullet and were met with Mikey’s pleading ones along with terrified faces behind him. “You alright?” Mikey asked sweetly. I slowly nodded my head, buried myself into his chest, and sobbed uncontrollably. “Katie, sweetie, are you sure you’re alright?” He asked patting my hair down and raising my chin to meet his eyes. I nodded slightly and then shook vigorously. “Katie,” Mikey started but my body blocked out his voice when I needed it. He was going in and out of sight and I slowly felt things slipping from grasp, not again. I focused on keeping my stare on Mikey and keeping awake.

Mikey’s POV

“KATIE!” I shouted shaking her as she started to go limp. Her eyes shut and she shook without me even moving. Her eyes shot open and had tears on the brink. Her hands gripped around my wrists as if she was fighting something, she was doing this to the couch as she slept. Her grip tightened and I winced and looked back at the guys for a bit of assistance but they just stared at her and me. Suddenly she started screaming, more of out of fear than pain. My eyes shot around and stared at her and continued opening and closing my mouth trying to figure something out. “Katie…” I said quietly, “go get some water or something!” I shouted at someone behind me. They flinched but dashed to the kitchen and came back and handed me lukewarm water. I dumped the glass of water onto her and her eyes snapped open and she immediately stopped screaming and shaking.

“Mikey?” She asked softly. I nodded, confused, but nodded. “Thank god!” She muttered into my ear that sent chills down my spine, I love that feeling. I came back to reality and noticed she had swallowed me into a hug. I smiled and hugged her back, hopefully that nightmare is over with.
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Sorry, I'm trying to be nicer, I'm don't seem to be good at that. Comments + Tips or ideas = Faster Updates and lots and lots of love! Btw, I know, I'm totally stealing Nurse Joy from Pokémon. Chill.