I Like...

You and me; is that so hard to believe?

I like the way you make her cry.

I like our silly little fights.

I like how you’re never afraid to say what’s on your mind.

I like how we don’t have to play nice, because you know it would never work.

I like our movie marathon makeup nights.

I like the way we do this thing called life.

I like how we spend our summers, wasting our days away.

I like the way you forget the time.

I like the way you say fuck my life.

I like your untamed head of hair and how you could never care less about what others think.

I like the constant hum in the air when you’re here.

I like how I don’t have to think when you’re around.

I like the way you take in the sights.

I like how we can be ourselves, and how we’re just alike.

I like the bench where we had many of our firsts.

I like the moments when you say everything will be all right.

I like you.

I like you.
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I Like It...