The Breakfast Club

Room 409.


I tensed. I glanced down at Xander whose eyes widened and silently bid me good luck as he hauled himself down the hall. I didn’t have to guess who was coming my way. I felt two large hands clutch my shoulders as warm breath fluttered over my right ear.

“That was a dirty trick you did yesterday.”

I chuckled.

“Of course it was, someone needs to knock you off your high horse. You’re nothing special Dex, besides, you liked it.”

His fingers tightened their grip. He removed one of his hands, putting the arm still attached around me, pulling me to him, his warmth invading my cold body.

“Let’s go have a chat, you and I.”

I simply smirked—what else could I do? The behemoth of the school had me latched to his side and extra strength or not, there was no getting out his grasp. Some of the looks that were thrown at us were of shock, amusement, fear and some in awe.

“Dex, what are you doing with the freak?”

He roughly turned us around and faced his group of friends. His grip tightened on my arm and I could sense his uneasiness to answer their question honestly. Ha.

“I figured out where the blood came from yesterday. Abrams here thought it’d be funny to stab me with that silly little blade he keeps in his pocket. He and I are going to have a nice chat about proper hallway etiquette.”

“Oh such big words for you!”

"Shut it Abrams!"

His friends laughed, then they knocked into his shoulder; apparently that was the jock greeting of ‘well done’ or something like that. I rolled my eyes as he hauled me back down the hall. I knew where he was taking me, their locker room—his turf. He had to prove that he’s the alpha, seriously though, if someone ever gave this dude privilege over a pack, I’d honestly fear for their well being.

He shoved us roughly through the door and I simply let him drag me in, his hand ever present on my bicep. If it wasn’t an awkward situation, I’d say the warmth that he leaves behind is rather comforting. Or rather I’d never admit it out loud. He spun my body around and shoved up against the nearest wall of lockers.

“Going to beat me out of sight? You do realize we’re sort of evenly matched in strength, or do you not pay attention in class?”

His fist hit the locker directly next to my head.

“You’re not exactly in the position to be the smartass you think you are.”

His eyes were ablaze with anger and I reveled in it.

“Obviously you think you have the upper hand, but you’re oh so wrong Ethan. Oh so wrong.”

He stepped closer, pressing me into the wall, the combo locks pressing into my back and I smirked. I took an unnecessary sniff and chuckled. I raised an eyebrow at the boy towering over me, his chest mere inches from mine, the heat permeating through my cold body.

“Are you always this obnoxious?”

I grinned and nodded.

“Of course I am, I don’t hide anything, which is more than I can say for some individuals; I’m not staring or anything, but…you know Ethan, I, like you, have heightened senses, just sayin’.”

I tentatively lifted my hands and placed them gently on his hips, he froze and closed his eyes. He pressed me further into the lockers, his chest meeting my own, both vibrating from the growl that just erupted from deep within him.