Status: I'm basically going to upload what I've wrote so far, as I found the file on my Computer recently. If this is to be continued I need encouragement.

Regrets in Gotham

The Dark of a Cave

Okay, it was a childish thing to do and I know Bruce will be mad at me for a very long time. He stubborn that way. Sups on the other hand has already forgive me, he such a push over. His behavior was very odd when he showed up at my door wearing those stupid glasses. How Lois Lane doesn't see though them is a wonder to me. She meant to be a reporter and Clark Kent is most clearly superman in very bad suit and geekish glasses. He tried to convince me to stop hero work, I of course said I never would. He keeps calling me through, keeps trying to stop me from patrolling. He even banned me from the justice league headquarters. He only looking out for me. At less I know one person will show up for my funeral after I'm killed by the Batglare. I must have a death wish because I'm going to the bat cave tonight. I have to deal with this now.

I manage to by pass all of the alarms easily but now I'm in the actual cave, it time for the real hard part. I slip through the a clack in the wall. I step into what seem to be a batman free cave but his little friends hang above me. I sigh and let down my grand too soon. I walk towards the only seat in the ro...cave, only to be grabbed from behind and find my self hitting the cold, hard ground on my back. I now have a very pissed off bat above me. He storms away, his cape dragging behind him like a bride's tile. Batman a bride, this so not the time be thinking of funny images. He places himself in the chair I had been heading to. I watch him from the ground as he starts typing into that massive computer. I didn't even know there still made them that big before the first time I sneak in here. He had been annoyed to find me there but he treated more nicely as he dragged me out.

“Get out,” He says in that deep, scary voice that even sends the Joker running. God, he was really mad at me. I pull myself up off the ground. I walk up behind him. He ignored me and continued typing. I glared up at the big display scene. He has far too much money but at less he does good with unlike some millionaire I know.

“What you working on?” I ask pushing my luck. He turns around just to glared at me and then turns back at the scene.

“I thought I told you to get out.”

“I don't know the way out,” I say fluttering my eyelashes even though he wouldn't be able to see them(or work) even if he was looking at me. My mask hides my eyes, as his mask hides his baby blues but you can still feel that bat glare. You probably feel it through lead.

He jumps out of the chair and grabs my arm tight. He pulls me against him, so our faces are almost touching.

“Get out,” His voice full of his rage. Maybe I should of waited but what the hell I'm already here. He kill me someday, why not today. I push him away and pull my arm from his tight grip.

“Fine, I will. I only came here to apologize. We don't have to be friends...” more than friends,”Any more but we still might have to work with each other. It been two months for god sake, I thought you might of cooled down a bit. I guess I was wrong.” He still death glare at me. I sigh and turn to leave.

“Bye, Bruce. I won't bother you again.” He doesn't say anything but I hear him sigh as I go through the clack.