Status: I'm basically going to upload what I've wrote so far, as I found the file on my Computer recently. If this is to be continued I need encouragement.

Regrets in Gotham

The Darkness of the City

I linger in Gotham long than I really should. Just wandering about the bad part of town. Stopping crime when I come across it. When I see the bat symbol in the sky I know it time to leave. I know I won't be back. It'll take me along time to actually to leave the city since I left my car a mile from the bat cave entry which another mile and half out the city. I'm almost out the city border when I see the Batmobile speed past me. I remember riding in that car the last time I had been here. It will become just a distant memory. Well, since I'm never setting foot in this damn city, I may as well visit my only friend left here.

It takes me only a 10 minutes to get to Ellie's apartment. I know she be in since she refuses to work at night and she also sane. You have to be fearless or off your head to walk about Gotham after midnight. She also more at risk than your normal citizens. There a good reason why she lives in high security apartment building. Ellie works at Arkham Asylum, she a head Psychiatrist there. She deals with all the high profile cases, the Joker is just one and he hates her. She has lasted the longest against him, most either go mad or leave out of fear. She also stops him escaping, he only ever been able to escape when she was not at Arkham. He doesn't know how she knows he about to try and escape but he knows it her who keeps warning Batman.

She physic. That how she stops him, she very powerful one but refuses to become a superhero. She just happy to stop the Joker and keep those other murders locked up at Arkham while she writes books on them. She know as The Gotham Shrink, she got that name after her second book was about Batman and what sort of person he could be. She was surprisingly right about him. I use a grappling gun to get her window and bang on it. She looks surprise when she opens the window.

“I thought you might have been the Joker. He been trying to get me for the past month.”She smiles at me with not a hint of fear in emerald eyes. She not scared of him at all. “Why don't you go take off your hood and I'll make some tea.” I nodded and walk in to her bedroom.

My costume isn't the best or most heroic but it quick to change out and into, making it easy to stop crime where I go. It really only consist of a black hoodie with a wolf shield on it, my mask and usually black jeans. Though, I come above Wonder Women on the hottest superheroine list. There are very sad people out there but I do love to brag at that slut. She just shows far too much flesh for a role model.

I walk back in the room to see a floating pot of tea. Ellie had been raised by her grandmother and sometimes acts as though she was the same age as that old nut.

“My grandmother is not an old nut, she an ancient nut. I used her as a case study once,” she sits the tea in the middle of the table. “The ways of thinking of someone who old of enough to have know Jesus.” I force a laugh, it was a good joke but I wasn't in the mood.

“There's no point kidding on with me, I can read your mind remember.” She smiles at me.”It been a while since you've been here. Did something happen?”

“Nothing, that hasn't been on the news,” I say bitterly.

“Oh, that,” she murmured, “Is that why you're here, in Gotham.”

“I suppose,” I replied dully.

"Batman can be difficult, I get the creeps just by brief contract.”

“hm...can we talk about something else?” Ellie stared at me for a moment. Clearly analyzing my request.

“okay...For now.” she said under breath. It was a promise for another day.

She left the subject and we made small talk about our mutual friends, work, love lives (well, lack of. No one wants to go out with someone on the joker's hit list) and all the time avoiding anything super. I hadn't felt tired but soon as I stopped. I started to find Ellie's old lumpy couch very comfortable and was soon struggling to keep my eyes open. I must of lost the battle, when I open them again, the overly yellow light was gone and only darkness remained.

I woke with a sore back and patch duvet on top of me. I rolled my eyes, I should of know. She probably had a cupboard of home made blankets just in case it got a bit cold. My senses must of started to go numb (without that paranoia git head) because it took me a whole minute to realise that it was loud banging noise that had woke me. It was another 30 seconds for me to realise it was coming from the window I came in from. It took a smashing sound to make me to respond.

I jump up off the couch and ran straight into Harley Quinn and knock her over. That girl really need to gain weight.

“Elinor, I'm home.” The Joker bellow. I could only see his outline in the dark, he was slowly coming towards me. He must think I'm Ellie. I started to back towards Ellie's room where my gear was, if I could get there before the lights came on then I could kick ass without revealing hints of my identity. The lights came on, it wasn't the Joker who turn them on either.

“Why does no one use the door, any more?” Ellie joked from behind me. I glance around to give her a death glare.

“Well, Well, Doc. You have a friend with you. At less you won't died alone” he smirked.

I won't bore you with the detains but in short me and Ellie are now tailed to each and sitting on floor. I would love to say it was a fierce battle but it was rather pathetic. Elinor is a superwitch and I am superhero, we got taken down in seconds.

The Joker was now running around the flat using the homemade duvet as a cap with Harley Quinn giggling at his antis.

“You're made quite a break through there,” I whisper bitterly.

“I know, he never used to use rope before,” I stopped myself from asking what he used to use

“We going to have such fun with no pesky bat to bother us.” The Joker had started to pace across the room. Jumping from chair to chair.

I knew there was a way that the pesky bat could bother us, I had my phone/bat communicate in the back of my jeans. Part of me didn't want to ask for help, part of me thought he wouldn't come. The rest of me hit the button.