
Chapter 1 – Two years later.

The sun shone brightly over the compound of houses. The yard between them was littered with fallen leaves, the only evidence that the barren trees were once full of life. Beneath them sat 6 people: 5 boys and a girl. Two of the boys, one with unimaginably curly hair, were exchanging shy glances. The other three boys wrestled next to them. The girl just sat, looking bored.
“I wish we could go into the city.” the girl sighed.
“No you don’t, Kitten.” The boy with long jet black hair detached himself from the pile on the grass. “It smells bad and there are always people trying to kill you. It’s not safe.”
“I could go with Mikey,” the girl stuck out her bottom lip. “They know he’s a civilian.”
“Sorry, Kata.” The boy named Mikey got up and brushed himself off. “Not anymore, I’m not. Ever since I got kicked outta school and moved back into Pop’s house, they think I’m a soldier.” The last boy laying on the ground looked up at Mikey through his long bangs.
“I’m glad you’re back, Mikes.” He told him. Mikey smiled.
“Thanks, Frankie. I think you guys are the only ones who are.”
“Why’s that?” The boy with jet black hair looked up sharply.
“It’s nothing, Gee. It’s just… Mama’s been so mad at me for leaving school. And on top of that, I don’t think they want to deal with me right now, seeings as they’re trying to avoid another war.” The other four looked up.
“War?” asked the boy with blonde hair. “How do you know about that? We weren’t supposed to tell you anything.”
“War…?” Katarina looked frightened. “I thought… I thought that everyone was only moving into the compound so we could use the other houses as barracks.” Gerard knelt down and put his arms around her. Everyone else chewed their lips nervously.
“See, sweetie? That’s why we weren’t supposed to tell you. We knew you’d be scared at first, then mad because you didn’t know.” He stroked her back gently.
“Yeah, nice going, dumbass.” The curly haired boy glared at Mikey. “How did you even find out?”
“My dear Ray, did my eavesdropping abilities honestly escape your notice? It was as simple as placing myself in a position to be drafted into the service of running ice into the study.”
“Oh.” Ray shifted on the ground. “We’re sorry, Kitten. We really are. I know that Mikey” he glared again “didn’t mean to scare you. But you can’t let on that you know.”
“And we’re all going to be perfectly fine.” said the blonde.
“How do you know that, Bob?” Katarina asked through the silent tears that were streaming down her cheeks. She nestled closer to Gerard’s beating heart.
“Because all the Don’s are having talks with this Porchelli guy. So even if there is a war, we aren’t going to be the ones to start it. And that won’t be at least until the end of next year.” She raised her eyes towards his face.
“But that’s the worst case scenario.” Bob added, seeing the look she gave him. The girl sighed and Gerard removed his arms from around her.
“It’s all going to be okay, I guess. Even if there was a war…even if there was… all we’d have to do is stay inside the compound and keep the drapes closed.”
“That’s our girl.” The boys smiled.
“We’re all going to stay here until we’re safe,” Frank said. “No one’s going anywhere, and we’ll all be safe.” He shyly smiled at Mikey, but the moment was cut short when Gerard threw him to the ground.
“We weren’t done, little one.” he said, his voice dripping with laughter. Katarina just shook her head and smiled at her boys… her pentangeli.