

Kata’s POV

What did Mikey mean, there might be another war? I wondered as I lounged on the basement couch. It made me mad how much my own father wouldn’t tell me. And the other boys wouldn’t disobey a direct order from their Godfather…but Gerard? I had expected more from him. I thought Gee had learned early on that there was no keeping secrets from me. I mean, I got him to tell me the name of the boy he had slept with. And the others don’t even know he’s bi, for Chrissakes! The thought of the conversation made me curl up in a ball and fight the tears that had begun welling up in the corners of my eyes.

It was almost midnight, three years ago. I was sitting quietly on the couch in the front parlor of the Way house. I kept steady watch on the side door, until it opened, revealing a euphoric looking Gerard. His hair was a mess, his shirt was half unbuttoned, and I could smell the whiskey from across the room. Not noticing me, he began to creep across the room. Clearing my throat, I stood up and faced him.
“Nice of you to come home.” I said.
“Jesus Christ! You don’t live here! You scared me, kitten!” he jumped back, and looked at me suspiciously.
“First of all, bravo, Gerard! I’m surprised that anyone could figure out that I don’t live here when they’re as drunk as you are. And second, I’m sorry I scared you, but I have a good reason.” I glared back at him.
“Pssh. I’m not drunk.” he slurred. “And you don’t have any reason for being down here, except that you love teasing me when I’m shitfaced. So, if you don’t mind, my love, I’m going to bed.” he began to push past me to get towards the stairs.
I closed my eyes and prayed I wouldn’t regret what I was about to say. “Are you planning on telling your mother you’re gay?”
He stopped and shut the door with a snap. “How did you find out?” His voice and eyes were so icy that I became afraid of him for the first time in my life.
“I-I found a magazine under your mattress. No offense, Gee, but that’s the first place people will look.” I stared at my feet until I heard him laugh softly.
“Good job, Kata. You’re the only one who’s noticed. But let me correct you on something: I’m not gay. I’m bi. You wanna know why?” He had a conspiring look on his face as he motioned me over to the couch.
As we sat, he fiddled his hands in his lap. “Because taking it up the ass feels good, that’s why.” I stuck my tongue out at him as he grinned wolfishly. “I’m kidding sweetie. Well, not really, but you didn’t need to know that. Are you gonna tell anyone?”
I began to shake my head, but stopped. Gerard groaned. “What do you want from me?” he asked.
I pretended to think, but I already knew what I wanted. I wanted him to look at me as more than the sweet little girl he was sworn to protect from the evils of mob life. I wanted him to tell me that he loved me.
“I want you to tell me who you were out fucking.”
My answer took him by surprise. “Uhmm…you don’t know him. He goes to my school. He’s 24 and his name’s Peter. He’s sooo gorgeous.” I smiled. He was so cute when he was in love.
Gerard got up off the couch and began to walk towards the stairs. I followed him, my hands clutched my behind my back, my white lace nightgown billowing in the air.
“Gee…?” I asked timidly, as his foot hit the bottom step.
“Yeah?” he turned to look down at me. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?”
I blushed. “Thanks….Being bi, does that mean you still like girls?” I blushed even redder, thankful he couldn’t see my face.
I heard him laugh again. “Yes it does sweetie. Don’t worry, I’ll still marry you when you grow up.”
“Okay.” I said. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, kitten. I love you.”
“Love you too, Gee.” With that I turned and walked down the hall to the guest bedroom, smiling.

*End Flashback*

I wiped away the tears on my cheeks and burrowed deeper into the couch. I heard the door at the top of the stairs snap abruptly shut and hurried footsteps coming down. I sat up, and tried to pat down my hair. Who would be in the basement? The only ones who use it in this house are me and…
It was Gerard. When he saw me sitting on the couch, he stopped walking.
“Sorry sweetie, I was just…uh….Are you crying?!” he strode over to the couch with quick steps.
“No, no.” I hurriedly shook my head as he sat down. “I was just thinking about that night you came home shitfaced and told me you were bi.” He smiled at the memory.
“Yeah. You looked so beautiful that night.”

Gerard’s POV

Christ, she did look beautiful that night. Not just beautiful, flat out gorgeous. How many people can look like that in just a nightgown? I remembered my frustration at the fact that she was only fifteen, and even though no one would care, the fact that I couldn’t kiss her. Now, she was legal…and as gorgeous as ever. I wish she would tell me why she was crying. The running mascara doesn’t suit her.
“You know I’m still gonna marry you, right?” I smiled, hoping she would remember our running joke. She did.
“Of course! But have fun telling that to Danny and Fredo.” she smiled back.
Ouch. That hurt. Damn those two! Dany was her boyfriend, and even though she hadn’t been allowed outside the compound in weeks, he was still convinced she was going to marry him. Fredo, on the other hand, was my boyfriend. He though we were going to get married also. It’s probably the same thing he tells his other boyfriends.
“Eh…I think I’m gonna break up with Fredo. So I’ll only have to fight Danny for you.” I put my arms around her, making her sigh.
“You always say that sweetie. Why this time?” She laid her head against my chest and I couldn’t help but press my lips to her hair.
“Because this time he’s cheating on me, not just being a whore.”
She sat up quickly. “Aww. Baby! I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me? We could have gone and kicked his ass.” she said indignantly.
“’Cause it’s not worth it. He’s a bitch and doesn’t deserve me.” I smiled. “Now, would you please tell me why you’re crying?”
She pulled away from my embrace and leaned against the arms of the couch. “Because I’m so sick of Papa running this place. I can’t wait until Frankie’s 18.”
“I know…but it’s only a few months away. And anyways….” I stopped. She might as well know.
“What?” Kata knew I wasn’t telling her something. I swear, sometimes that girl’s so psychic.
“They’ve been talking about letting us take over early. They think Frankie and Mikes could handle it.”
I was tired of talking about the take over, but Kata obviously wasn’t. Almost everyday she mentioned something about it. But you’re probably wondering about it, aren’t you? Well…when the five Dons had children, they decided that one day, once we were all 18, they would retire and turn the family business over to us. And sine Don Bucareli had a daughter and my father had two sons, they decided that either Mikey or I would take over for Kata. Frankie is the baby, and his eighteenth birthday is only a few months away. But with this impending war, the Dons have been discussing retiring to our country compound to talk strategy and leaving us (read, Ray and I) in charge. I think this sounds like a good idea….. But probably only because I’m young and power hungry. At least, that’s what Mama says.
Kata looked doubtful. “But that would mean you took over for Papa….”
“Yes,” I said hurriedly, “But that means I would be in charge. And since your going to marry me,” I nudged her. “I won’t be ale to resist telling my wife everything that happens behind closed doors.”
She smiled again. “Okay…When’s Papa gonna make the announcement?”
“Probably at your party. He’s also gonna announce who’s gonna take over then.” I said.
“Gah! I’m so sick of hearing about this party! And we all know it’s gonna be you who takes over.” Damn, she’s so cute when she’s angry.
“Yeah, well….”