
I've been waiting for this moment for all my life.

Chapter 4

Mikey’s POV

I looked up as Frank entered the greenhouse. For someone so little, he sure makes his presence known. Today, for example, he threw a handful of Skittles at my head. I didn’t appreciate it.
“Ow.” he said when I punched him on the arm. “What was that for?”
“That was for pelting me with the Skittles. And this,” I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. “Is to apologize.” I looked up hopefully, searching his face for a shred of emotion. I held my breath until I saw him smile slightly.
“That’s all I get? You could have broken my arm and all I get is a peck?” he contorted his face into a look of disbelief. “I’m hurt, Mikes.”
I grinned at him and began to lean closer, but Frankie beat me to it. In a second, he was sitting on my lap. “How the hell’d you get there?” I asked, surprised.
“Sometimes being small has its advantages.” He smiled playfully.
I couldn’t turn him down when he smiled like that. Not caring what might happen afterwards; I leaned down and planted my lips firmly on his. Was I nervous? Hell yes! I’ve never kissed anyone in my life, let alone a boy! Call me what you will, but even after having almost nineteen years to prepare for it, I was still scared shitless.
Lucky for me, Frankie wasn’t as inexperienced. He parted my lips slowly, allowing me time to adjust to the sensation. His tongue ran along my bottom lip making me shiver. He pulled away and looked at me critically.
“Mikey,” he half-whispered. “We don’t have to do this.”
“No! No. I want to. It’s just….” I trailed off.
“What, babe? Are you nervous?” He looked so innocent. I can’t believe he’s only seventeen.
“It’s just… I can’t believe you’d like me back.” Remind me to kill myself later.
But he just smiled. “I can’t believe you’d like me either. So we’re even.” With that he leaned down and wrapped his arms around my neck, showing me all the things I had been waiting nineteen years to experience.