Sequel: Listen to the Thunder
Status: Complete =]

Don't Want to Start a Fight



Today’s a bit of a weird day for me. I don’t really have anything planned other than going to Jack’s tonight and sleeping over. Well, I don’t know how much sleeping we’ll get done, but you get the point. Hah. I wasn’t even planning to get out of bed all day until Pat came and jumped on me. Apparently my mom let him in. Thanks, mom. Really appreciated.

“Get up, get up, get up! It’s nearly midday!” Pat groaned.

So I did get up. Well, it’ll shut him up, won’t it!

“What are we doing then?” I yawned, pulling on a clean pair of boxers.

“I dunno. We could go and meet Rian for lunch. He’s working today,” Pat shrugged.

Sounds good enough to me! Within no time at all, I was dressed, washed, and walking down the street with Pat. Sometimes it’s just nice to have one on one time with my best friend. He does spend so much time with Zack, which is great and all because they’re perfect for each other, but alone time with him is awesome.

“And then, they both fell into the pool!” Pat exclaimed.

I burst into laughter, like he did, having to stop walking and clutch my stomach to stop it hurting. That was one hell of a funny joke!

“Oh God, I can’t breathe!” I choked between laughs.

It took us about a few more seconds to calm ourselves down, but when I stood up, finally composed, I saw someone walking out of the coffee shop next to us who I didn’t expect to. John.

“Uh hey guys. Haven’t seen you in a while,” John said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yeah,” I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

I still can’t look him in the eyes. Is that bad?

“So what are you doing out here?” Pat asked warmly.

“I’m waiting for…”

John was cut off by a tall guy appearing beside him and pressing his lips to John’s. My breath hitched in my throat. W-What the fuck? Who is this guy? He had messy light brown hair and stunning hazel eyes, as well as broad shoulders and amazing cheekbones. Shit, if he’s John’s new…fling, then he’s fucking lucky.

“Sorry I took so long, babe. The queue was fucking ridiculous,” the guy said apologetically.

“Don’t worry about it. I bumped into…some friends,” John said with a shrug.

The guy looked at Pat and I, as if only just realizing we were there. Dumbass.

“Shit, hey Pat. And…?”

The guy trailed off, looking me up and down. I fought the urge to scowl.

“This is Kyle, my best friend,” Pat said quickly, trying to break the tension.

“Nice to meet you, Kyle,” the guy said with a smile, “I’m Kennedy, John’s boyfriend,”

I almost forgot to smile back when I heard those words. John…John has a new boyfriend. A new attractive boyfriend. That kisses him in public. Shit. Why does this hurt? This shouldn’t hurt, right? Fuck, I can’t stand the sight of this Kennedy guy already. Fuck.

“Dating? Wow,” Pat chuckled, making John blush a little.

Why is Pat being so nice? And how does Pat know Kennedy?!

“Yeah, it’s only been a week, but it’s been amazing, right John?” Kennedy said happily.

“You’re perfect and you know it,” John said smoothly.

Kennedy beamed and pecked another kiss to John’s lips before joining their hands together.

“Well, uh, we’ve got to go pick Ross up from soccer practice. It was…nice running into you guys,” John said, trying to hide the awkwardness in his tone.

“Yeah, see you around,” Pat nodded.

I didn’t move or say anything as they walked past. I couldn’t. I can’t explain this feeling, but I don’t like the thought of John being with someone else! Why?! And why does Kennedy have to be so fucking attractive!

“Wait, is that the Kyle who…”

“Yeah, that’s Kyle,” John sighed.

I quickly walked off down the street, not wanting to hear any more of their conversation, Pat chasing after me. I didn’t stop walking until I got to the end of the block, and leant against the wall while tears pricked at my eyes.

“Oh no, don’t you dare, Kyle,” Pat warned, breathing a little heavier now he’d caught up with me.

“How can I not, Pat?” I whimpered.

“Because you love Jack! Think how he would feel!” Pat said.

“Why should I think of Jack? He’s not here – he’s with Alex. I’m the one that had to see John kissing his new boyfriend! And how do you know Kennedy anyway?” I demanded.

Pat rolled his eyes, running his fingers through his hair.

“Kenny and my brother Tim have been friends for years. Since John is Tim’s best friend, naturally they know each other. Kenny and John had a thing before he met you, I think, but they haven't fooled around since he’s dated you. Obviously their spark is still there, and it’s enough to make them official,” Pat explained, staring me down.

But that wasn’t enough. I couldn’t just accept that.

“But why does he have to date Kennedy? He’s so good-looking – it’s not fair!” I whined.

“It’s not fair? If anything, John has more right to move on than you did! You cheated on him, remember? Sure, you and Jack belong together, but John deserves to be happy too!” Pat exclaimed.

My jaw dropped a little. I-I can’t believe Pat’s defending John! How is this fair to me?!

“I can’t believe you’re on his side,”

“There isn’t a side, Kyle, and the sooner you realize that the better. Stop bitching. You’ve got Jack – don’t forget that,”

“Yeah, I know,” I muttered.

Jack is the furthest thing from my mind right now. All I can think about is the unexplainable urge I have to rip Kennedy’s face off.

“I mean it, stop bitching about Kenny. John’s happy and you’re happy, so that’s all there is to it. Don’t take this out on Jack tonight. He hasn’t done anything,” Pat warned.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands in my pockets. If I want to bitch about John’s new boyfriend, I will. And that’s that.



All night Kyle has been a bitch to me. The only noise I’ve got from him other than a sulking silence is short snappy comments – which I know I don’t deserve – and all he’s done since he got in my room is sit on my bed with his arms folded over his chest and a scowl on his face. I was hoping it was just a weird mood that he would be able to sleep of, but no. I barely got a response when I kissed him good morning.

And that is not fair.

I did the only thing I could do. I rang Pat. After much persuasion on my part and a lot of hesitation on Pat’s part, I finally found out what was wrong with Kyle. And let me tell you now – I’m pissed.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I snarled, slamming my bedroom door shut.

Kyle’s scowl froze when he realized what I was talking about. Yeah, he’s not getting out of this one.

“You don’t understand,” Kyle muttered.

“Oh, I don’t understand? I think I understand perfectly what the fuck you’re sulking about. John has a new boyfriend and you’re fucking jealous. You’re not over him and all it took for you to realize was seeing him kissing another guy. What the fuck, Kyle?” I said with a bitter laugh.

“You really think it’s that simple, Jack?” Kyle said,

“Yes, it is! You’re jealous that John’s moved on, and I hate it! The two of you broke up a month ago, and you moved on much quicker than he did. How do you think that makes me feel?” I exasperated.

Do you know how much it hurts to know that the boyfriend you thought loved you is still in love with somebody else?

“I’m sorry, I forgot that everything was about you,” Kyle snapped back.

That was unnecessary. Jerk.

“Don’t be a bitch when you know you’re the one in the wrong. You’re really pushing the boat out to avoid answering the question this time,” I said, sarcasm dripping off my words while I glared at him.

“Fine, you want the truth? Here it fucking is. Yes, I’m still in love with John. A part of me probably always will be. And yes, I was jealous to see him with someone else, especially seeing as John and Kennedy have always been close, and because Kennedy’s fucking beautiful. Who wouldn’t be jealous of the new person an ex is with?”

Well that just makes everything better. I think I’ve heard enough. I don’t deserve to get Kyle’s love for John fucking O’Callaghan thrown in my face. If all Kyle can think of is John, then I know when I’m not wanted.

“Have fun masturbating to thoughts of John. I’m out of here,” I said coldly.

“W-What?” Kyle choked.

“Oh so now you give a shit? Jesus fuck, Kyle. I’m not sticking around to hear you bitch and whine about John being with someone else. Funny enough, I’m your boyfriend, not him. Until you actually realize that, I don’t even want to see your face,”

“Jack, you didn’t let me finish,” Kyle insisted, gripping my arm with his hands.

“What part of I’m out of here don’t you understand?” I said.

“Please! Just listen to me! I can’t lose you, you know that!” Kyle said desperately.

“I’ve just listened to you proclaim your love for John Ohh! Why the fuck would you think I would stay around to listen to any more of your shit?” I exasperated.

Seriously, why is he so bipolar all of a sudden! First of all he won’t stop moping about John, and now he’s begging me not to leave him? What the fuck?!

“I can’t lie and say I don’t still love John…but I love you more. I’ve always loved you more,” Kyle said softly.

As those words hit me, I was torn. Torn between falling back into Kyle’s arms or walking away. Why should I believe him when all he’s done for the last day is mope over someone he’s not with any more? Why should I stick around to listen to his bullshit? When Kyle’s eyes started to water, I almost cracked. I can’t stand the sight of him crying. But it’s the principle of it all. He can’t love me as much as he says if he’s still this broken over John. So I’m going.

“Until I can believe that, I’m gone. Be out of my house before I get back,” I murmured.

“Jack, no! Please!” Kyle whimpered.

I just shook my head and pulled my arm harshly out of his grip. I don’t need this shit. Especially not from the boy that holds my heart in his hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
The beautiful Kennedy

Uh oh.
So John has a new boyfriend…
And Kyle is jealous as hell for reasons he can’t explain…
And Jack hates the fact that Kyle is jealous…
I think I see a storm brewing!

Thanks to everyone that commented on the last chapter – I really appreciate it! There are only 3 more chapters left now though, so please get your comments in while you can! I know you 104 beauties can do it =]



p.s. I'm seeing All Time Low in two days! I'm so freaking excited!!