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The Enchantment of the Seas

Isabel Lawson belongs in the high society of Port Royal - she has all her life, due to her father's wealth - but when she was only 8 years of age, Isabel's father ventured out into the unknown of the sea only to be claimed by it. Her mother, Margaret was expected to marry again and so she did to Lieutenant Richardson, this made the family's status grow higher.

Now at the age of 18, Isabel is being pushed forcefully into an unwanted arranged marriage to a wealthy suitor that goes by the name of Charles Worsley - there's only one problem, Isabel doesn't love him and she doesn't want to be completely doomed to the life of a house wife.

Her adventures don't truly begin until she meets a brave,handsome blacksmith, Will Turner - Isabel is completely taken back with him the first time she meets the man, but it isn't long until the two are pulled into an enchanting adventure that promises a lot of difficult decisions ahead.

    "The Enchantment Of The Seas" follows the plot of "The Black Pearl" with twists.

  1. The Very Beginning.
    Those eyes,they haunted my dreams nearly every night with their dark evil that resided behind them.
  2. An Enchanting Sight.
    "You're not a eunuch, are you?” The man's eyes wonder down to Wills lower region.
  3. The Attack.
    “Will you marry me, of course” without anymore haste, Charles reaches for my hand
  4. Making Rash Decisions.
    “Son. I’m Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?”
  5. The Start Of An Unforgettable Journey.
    “My father was not a pirate.” Will spits the word pirate like its venom in his mouth.
  6. Tortuga.
    Gibbs has managed to gather a crew in such a short amount of time. But there before us, in a line is a mixed bunch of miscreants.
  7. Sea Turtles.
    Wills smirk tries to hide itself, I know he has a hard time believing the ludicrous story too “He roped a couple of sea turtles?”
  8. Elizabeth Returns.
    He looks like a small child, so lost. Everything he once knew has been shattered into a million pieces.
  9. The Fight.
    Suddenly he jumps onto the side of the Black Pearl and turns the gun on himself, pointing directly under his chin "You can't. I can."
  10. Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum.
    "Why is the rum gone?"
  11. A Wedding! I Love Weddings!
    "I know, clap him in irons, right?"
  12. Saving Will. Saving Isabel.
    Will's voice rings out bravely from across the cave. "He didn't waste it."
  13. Fever.
    I knew it sounded cliché. He was my Hero.
  14. Heartache.
    “My last day of freedom isn't it? I thought it was quite appropriate actually” I state truthfully, smirking