Status: Slow updates

I'm Not Here To Stay

Warning: this story has girl-like-girl and boy-like-boy in it.

I watch the rain hit the window like fingers tapping begging for entrance. I watch for cars to pull up or watch families leave. My best friend is sitting beside me. She's more then just my best friend ,but the world can't know that. She's holding my hand and I'm holding her's. No words come from either of us. It's a calm, sercure silence. Then the lady incharge breaks the silence.

"Emily, a family wants to meet you!" she said, happily.

"Coming! I'll be right back Prince," she said, kissing my cheek then runs out of the room. I watch her leave smiling. Funny, how she likes me like that.
I brush my hair behind my ear, turning back to the window of our room. I am put to ease by the rain.