Status: A work in progress

Yours From the Beginning


Chicago, 1918

It was cold. That’s all she could think as she sat in the middle of the dark forrest, gazing at nothing other than the emptiness of the world around her. That's how she felt inside, empty. She was nothing without him. He was the one to help her in her time of need, to make her smile when no-one else could, to be there, just because he cared.

She loved him so much that she couldn't even think through the sorrow that consumed her just thinking about him. It was too early for him, he couldn't leave her. But alas, he was gone for good; or so they said. The ring on her left hand felt heavy with the guilt of not being able to say good bye.

It had not even been a month since he proposed and she accepted, making this time all the more harder. Just two weeks after their official engagement he had been starting to suffer with the early symptoms of the Spanish Influenza along with his parents. She believed he would get better after Dr. Cullen compared his resistance to give into Elizabeth. However when she arrived for her nightly visit, she had found his hospital bed clean and crisply made with no sign of him in it.

She took this as a good sign, thinking he had been released. She walked up to one of the nurses currently on shift and asked of his were abouts. The nurse looked at her with sympathetic eyes, yet her joyous mood made her ignorant, until the words that destroyed her were spoken.

"I'm so sorry dear," The nurse spoke softly. "He's gone."

"I can see that." She replied, becoming impatient to see her love. "Gone were?"

"He passed away." Was the response she got.

She could see the women’s lips moving, yet she could not hear the words being spoken. Her mind was spiraling out of control, making her head spin. She couldn't stand being in the bright, white, strange smelling hospital any longer and began to run as fast as she could. Stumbling from her dizziness on her first few steps. Sobbing uncontrollably until breaking down in the forest.

She didn't know how long she was sitting there, when she heard it. The sharp snap of a twig not far behind her. She abruptly span around to find the source of the noise only to find nothing there. She past it of as and animal as she return to her previous position, coming face to face with a man. He was both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

She stared deep into his deep red eyes, shivering from the intensity of his returning gaze. She tried to step back however he caught her arm with cold hands, before she could move.
"Mmm.. What do we have here?" He asked.

She gave him no response other than to close her eyes waiting for her death that was looming near.

"So she's shy. Isn't that sweet? Not that it will help."

She could feel his cool breath, breezing on her neck. She knew his mouth was near. She just stood taking in her last moments of humanity. The last thought she had before the strange man sank his shard teeth into her soft, tender neck was of him. Of Edward Mason. Her one and only love.