Status: Active! Comments, please and thank you! :)

Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less


I guess this was what I had been waiting for.

McKinley had told me she loved me then promptly vowed she wasn't lying and kissed me in the middle of the snow on Christmas Eve. Now, I hadn't seen too many chick flicks, mostly because McKinley hated them, but I had a few ex-girlfriends who forced me to watch a few and even I knew this was all too cliché to even fathom.

I pushed her away before things went too far or I got too carried away and the look on her face almost made me rethink doing so. She looked genuinely upset by my actions and for a second I almost found myself apologizing before realizing why I had pushed her away in the first place.

"Wha're yeh doin'?" She asked, her entire body shaking from the cold.

"This doesn't fix everyfhin'," I stated adamantly. I wanted to make it seem like I was the strong one. I wanted to make it seem like I didn't want to rip her dress off and take her right there in her front yard. I wanted to make it seem like the fact she had told me she loved me didn't make my heart beat a thousand times faster than was healthy. I wanted to make it seem like she held no power over me when I knew almost everything about her made me weak kneed.

"Wha'?" She asked, her voice completely destroyed.

I sighed and raked my fingers through the hair I had actually brushed before coming over. "Yeh fhink tellin' me yeh love me an' kissin' me in tha middle of tha snow is jus' gonna fix everyfhin' tha's 'appened," I said. "An' 's not a fuckin' movie, Kinley! This isn't tha fuckin' Notebook!" I hollered at her. She shrunk at the sound of my voice and god, I just wanted to fucking kiss her again.

"I don't even like tha' Notebook," she murmured. I wanted to laugh, because this was just like McKinley. She didn't like chick flicks, she liked horror movies, the ones where everyone dies in the end. It was hard to make a point when every inch of my body was telling me what an idiot I was; that I should just accept her apology and move on, go back into that party with her on my arm and really give her parents something to be pissed about.

"Tha's not tha fuckin' point!" My voice boomed at an octave I didn't even know existed. She recoiled yet again. "I love yeh doesn't fix everyfhin', okay? Yeh already fuckin' someone else fer Christ's sake!" I gestured towards her house where I had seen her wrapped around some bloke just minutes before.

"I 'aven't fucked anyone since yeh got back ta Sheffield Matthew," she said, her tone inching its way towards a snarl. "An' yeh're one ta talk, yeh fucking hypocrite. Yeh fucked tha first thing tha' showed yeh 'er tits," she added, her tone a definite snarl at this point.

"Were yeh jealous?" I asked, a smirk toying my lips.

"Yeh're a fuckin' asshole," she snapped, pushing at my chest roughly. I quickly wrapped my arms around her wrist and held it tightly so she wouldn't do so again.

"An' yeh're not?" I growled. "I fuck up once an' I'm an asshole but yeh're allowed to completely use meh an' that's okay?"

"Two wrongs don't make a righ'! If yeh love meh like everyone says yeh do then yeh wouldn't jus' go an' fuck someone cause I did somefhin' ta hurt yeh feelings," she told me carefully. "Because 'ow can I trust yeh won't do it again? 'ow can I be sure if we fixed everyfhin' tha' when fhings got tough you wouldn't jus' run an' fuck someone else?" She challenged me. And in all honesty, it pissed me off.

"As far as I was concerned we were done. I mean fuck McKinley, we weren't even anyfhin' ta begin wiff. Yeh know I'd treat yeh righ', I always did! Stop tryin' ta make it seem like this is all my fault!"

"McKinley! Get back inside righ' now!" Mrs. Jacob's shrill voice cut right through the silence that had fallen over McKinley and I and made us both jump in surprise.

"I'm talkin' righ' now mum," McKinley said through gritted teeth. She was alreay right pissed with me and I don't think her mother butting in was really the best way for her to deal with all of this.

"I don't care," she hissed. "Yeh left yeh're date inside an' yeh're embarrassing us," she continued.

"Oh 'ow 'orrible of meh," she rolled her eyes subtly and it made me smile to see she still maintained some of her spunk throughout this entire ordeal. “I’m busy now.”

“McKinley Jacobs yeh better get inside righ’ now if yeh know wha’s good fer yeh. Yeh’re ruining a good fhing with Jack, an’ over wha’? Some bloke in a band?”

"Yeh know wha' mum?" Kinley smiled, turning on her heels slowly. Her arms were crossed over her chest to keep her warm as she took a few slow steps down the pathway to her door and towards her mother. "Fuck yeh," she spat, her voice so filled with malice that even her ice cold mother recoiled at her tone. My eyes went wide as I shoved my hands in my pockets. Mrs. Jacobs' eyes drifted towards me briefly and fire filled them as she glared.

"Did 'e put yeh up ta this?" She asked. "I told yeh 'e was scum, McKinley. 'e's no good! Now get back inside! 's Christmas Eve fer Christ’s sakes!"

"No mum!" McKinley yelled. "If yeh can't accept Matt then yeh can't accept me. I'm not comin' back inside because yeh're an insufferable bitch an' yeh don't even realize tha' Matt is the best guy I've ever met in me life an' 'e treats me better than any ofther guy yeh set me up wiff."

"McKinley Nicole Jacobs!" Her mum gasped, her hand flying to her chest.

"I'm sick of yeh treatin' 'im like shit jus' cause 'e doesn't look 'ow yeh wan' 'im to," Kinley glared. "Yeh're such a judgmental bitch, yeh know tha'?" She gave one last snarl before turning back around and walking towards me, her heels clicking against the stone as she made her way towards me. Looping her arm with mine she glanced up at me shorting and smiled in a way I had never seen her smile before, and then tugged me along as she continued down her driveway.

We reached my car quickly and we both climbed inside quickly to avoid the cold. I turned it on and hurriedly turned up the heat before glancing over to the blonde next to me.

"Wha' was tha'?" I asked her almost breathlessly.

"I was sick of 'er treatin' yeh like tha'. She doesn't even know the 'alf of it, yeh know? I mean, if she ever saw 'ow good yeh 're ta me she might change 'er mind. But she won't even give yeh tha' chance," she avoided my eyes as she spoke and I knew what a huge blow this was to her ego. And that made me smile. I was glad to finally she her swallow her pride and admit she was wrong.

"So where to now?" I asked, facing forward and placing both of my hands on the steering wheel.

"Anywhere we can get somefhin' ta eat," she grumbled as she tugged her seatbelt across her lap. "I'm proper starvin', I left before we got ta eat."

"Everyfhin's probably closed now, 's Christmas Eve. I'm sure my family already started dinner too..." I rambled.

She glanced over at me and smirked and the next thing I knew we were both sitting on the floor in the living room of my flat eating out of Chiese food containers.

My eyes wandered over to her as we ate, the glow from the TV highlighting her soft features, and I frowned, "Yeh know I can't give yeh wha' that bloke yeh were in there wiff could," I told her softly. She slurped up a noodle and then turned her attentions towards me, a smile of her face.

"I know," she nodded. "Yeh should know by now I much prefer yer lifestyle ta 'is."

"But 'e could get yeh nice fhings an' 'e'd always be around fer yeh. I'm practically never 'ome anymore. I mean...I'm leavin' again soon-" I went on, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"Matty," she cut me off with a smile. She scooted towards me until our knees were touching. "Yeh know we'd 'ate each ofher if yeh were around all the time."
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's not like this took forever for me to post or anything......
Needless to say this is about a chapter or two from ending! Sorry it took me forever, hopefully the next chapter will be up sooner than this!
Let us know what you think.