Jenny on my Mind

It’s raining Jenny…

Those are the words that appeared on the computer screen in front of me and I sighed. I had an unfinished guitar composition to finish and 3 new songs to write for my classes here at Berkley University but that didn’t matter I ran my hand through my long red hair, I couldn’t keep her off my mind.

Rain pelted my window droplets forming into giant streams of water falling down my window pain, one merging with another like a never ending cycle. As thunder clapped in the sky and lighting lit up everything around me it reminded of the day I met her… The freezing cold day in late December… The day I met my Jenny…

She’d written so many emails but, me being the coward I was I could never write her back; I could never find the right words or figure what to say…. Because I was scared If I said one wrong thing, she’d find someone new… Someone better.

Thinking back I remember the first day I met her… The first day I met my Jenny that was the best day of my life.