Status: For my little sister. Because I just love her so much.

Merry Christmas, Sophie!

Merry Christmas, Sophie! 2010

The young girl, only six years old, woke up to a startle. She heard bells ringing, hooves on the roof, and a jolly, “Ho, ho, ho!” Her smile took up her entire face, as she hurried to get out of bed.

It was Christmas Eve, one of the most joyful of time. There was truly no doubt in her mind that the famous Saint Nicholas had visited her house this time.

She tiptoed through the house, as well as a six year old could, trying her hardest not to startle him. She yawned quietly, as it was close to midnight, and she fought to keep her pale blue eyes open. She scurried down the steps, careful as she could, for she knew she had to be quick to see him.

She round the corner, in the pitch of dark, constantly reminding herself to be quiet. She could see the tree lights, and she was suddenly wide-awake, running toward it as fast as she could. She hid behind the couch, watching excitedly.

There he came, shimmering down the chimney. He dusted himself off a little, looking around. The little girl held in her excitement, continuing to watch him with her smile on her face.

He was dressed in red, from head to toe. His beard was long and white, his eyes large and warm. His nose was red from being exposed from the cold. He was a plump man, in the little girl’s opinion, who had a smile that made him look like a teddy bear.

He had a red sack, that wasn’t too large, that he held right over his shoulder. He looked around the room, seeing the milk and cookies and chuckling happily. He set down the sack, drank the warm milk, ate the cookies, and looked around once more. The little girl ducked her head as he looked her way, not quite at all sure why she did so.

With another chuckle, he said, “Come on out, sweetheart, I won’t be mad.”

Her eyes were wide, as she peeked over the top of the couch at him. Slowly, she came out, staring at Santa Claus. He smiled kindly at her, which made her smile right back.

He got down on his knees, meeting her eyelevel, saying quite nicely, “Now, Sophie, what do you want for Christmas?”

The young girl thought for a moment, not at all surprised that he knew her name. Finally, after a minute, she said quietly so not to wake anyone else, “I want a doll.”

“Oh, well, lets see what I’ve got.” He stood up, walking over to pick up his red sack. He came back over, opening it wide, saying with that kind voice of his, “Go on, pull it out.”

Sophie looked inside of the velvet sack, quite surprised to see that it was empty. With a quick shrug of her shoulders, she put her hand in. She nearly fell straight into it before she felt something smooth. She reached to grab it, and heard the wrinkling of paper. With a curious look at the festive box in wrapping paper, she looked up at Santa.

“Now, don’t open that till Christmas, alright?” She nodded her head, watching as he put more under the tree for the rest of her family. With a warm smile at her, he thanked her for the milk and cookies, before heading up the chimney to give to all the other boys and girls.

Sophie ran to the nearest window, and watched as his sled flew off of her roof, straight to a house right across her street. He winked at her, before going down their chimney. Sophie stared at his reindeer, whispering all of their names. With a final glance at the reindeer with the glowing red nose, little Sophie quickly headed back to bed.