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I. Spring

Life was alive. Thousands of birds in the air, candle wax dripping from the trees. A humming radio. The Copenhagen roll of the engine. Laying in the bed of the truck. The world turned above us like a spinning chandelier.

II. Summer

The Enlightened shade kept us cool. Insects darting across tiny waves that lapped against our skin. You disappeared for a while, but you came back. We laughed as the world stood still beneath our feet. The brazen heat chased us like the flames through which we found God. Keep me company in the night. For a little while.

III. Fall

The tip of my tongue, the back of yours. The tangerine trees turned blue and the sky opened up. Everything is blue. My doppelganger. This fantasy world is not big enough for the both of us. The world slowed down. The pumpkin sat alone. I lost my coat on Halloween.

IV. Winter

The Garden is dead. Everything is quiet. The chimney sighs from long disuse. We follow darkness as if it were a mob torch. I can hear the wolf scratching at my door. “Stay gold, pony boy.”