Status: Gooby pls. comment

My Bulletproof Heart, Your Hollow Point Smile

Truth Is Now Acceptable

“I'll tell you at school. Right now, I think it'll get him pissed if I talk about him over the phone.”

"Yeah sure, well I guess I'll meet you there cuz I doubt he's gunna want to drive me there." I chuckled, placing the phone on the other ear.

“Yeah, because everything's just rainbows and unicorns.”



"No,” I laughed, hearing him groan.


"People are gunna start thinking you're obsessed with unicorns," I chuckled.

“But I'm not,” he defended.

"Sure…well, I'll see you at school," I said, hanging up the phone before he had time to protest.

I picked up my backpack and looked around to see if I had taken any papers out of it last night. Satisfied, I walked out towards the living room.

"Bye, Ma! See you later!" I yelled out. Then I walked out the front door, shut it behind me and walked down my street.


I watch as the teacher walks back and forth through the rows of students, his fingers tapping on some of their desks in an effort to redirect their attention to him as he keeps talking about Romeo and Juliet; two young star-crossed lovers.

I shook my head, a scoff escaping my throat. If I were him, I would've just taken the girl on the day of the party, instead of waiting and dying in the end.

"Is there something wrong, Frank?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at my teacher standing in front of me.

"Uh, no," I shook my head, scratching my neck as he kept his gaze on me.

"OK then, stop snorting and get out a piece of paper and pencil. You too Max," he said, walking over to another kid.

“I don't have any," he said, and the teacher shook his head, walking over to his desk and retrieving a scrap of paper and a pencil.

"Here you go," he said, handing them over.

"Man, it's like kindergarten all over again," the kid said, taking the paper and pencil from him. I silently laughed as I looked through my bag for paper.


History couldn’t have gone any slower. The kids kept looking back at me expecting me to do or say something. I mean, yeah, I did say something stupidly funny yesterday, but come on! Just drop it! It was just a little mistake. When lunch came around, I walked out of class and over to Mikey, who was sitting on a table.

"So, anyways…I wanna know what happened!" I said, messing with the buttons on my messenger bag.

"Sure! Come on let's go sit somewhere else though," he smiled.

We walk across the school and onto the black top far away from the cafeteria and the main buildings. We were getting closer to the two gyms at the back of the school.

"Mikes, you do realize there are no tables out here, right?" I said looking around.

"Wait! There's benches." He exclaims, pointing over to them.

"Jesus, Mikes," I said shaking my head. We walk over to them and sit down. I take off my bag and set it on the ground next to my feet.

"So anyways, you know Gerard's girlfriend, or ex girlfriend?" he said, leaning back against the wall.

"Wait, Marissa right?" I asked confused, since when was she his ex?

"Yeah, her." he nodded. My eyebrows shot up at the sound of that, my stomach started doing flips; butterflies in my stomach were set free and started dancing. My heart started pounding harder in my ribcage. I have a shot I grin like a dumb ass. I looked over to Mikey, making sure he wasn't looking; I'd look like a madman.

"What about her?" I asked, trying not to look too happy.

"Well he told me that after fourth period she went looking after him, and that she didn't look well. So then he started bursting into tears telling me about how she cheated on him with this guy on the football team, that she's 2 weeks with the dude's child." He sighed.

"Well, that's just stupid," I said, my smile fading and my eyebrows scrunching up.

"I know, right? Who would do a football player? They suck at their own game, what makes her think they’re any better in bed?" He said, shaking his head.

"Mikey... what the fuck, man?" I stare at him as if he just lost his marbles. Then I started laughing my ass off, half falling onto Mikey.

"What?" he whined.

"That's...not...what...I-I-I...meant," I giggled in between words.

"Well...what did you mean?" he asked shyly.

"That it's stupid of her to cheat on Gerard, she’s stupid not to know she had the best..." I said sitting up and staring at the ground, my voice trailing off.

"Frank? Do you know something I don't…or something you want to say?" From the corner of my eye, I could see Mikey turn to look at me.

If I were to describe what I just put myself through, it could be summed up in one word: Shit. Well, I might as well get out with it. I’ve got nothing to lose…besides Mikey and my new friend Ashley. And maybe Gerard, if he’ll still be my friend. I sigh as I run a hand through my hair; I really need a cut. I run my hair down the side of my face to feel stubble on my jaw; I also need a shave. I shake my head as I get rid of the thought of getting a haircut and shave. I really need to keep my mind on check.

"Well, Mikes, you know I'm bisexual and stuff," I murmured.

"Yeah... And?" he sat there, staring at me confused, until realization hit him and he said: " like Gerard, don't you?"

I was scared shitless that my best friend had to find out, and his brother too. Or the whole school... But the whole school doesn't matter. Not now anyways...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back :D

Sorry I took sooo damn long. ._. And that this chapter is soo short. I've been busy. With a lot of school stuff and family plans... I'll continue the second part to this chapter. But I really just wanted to put this one up on this day.

The 4th of July (:

Edited by the lovely beta: flyer. (: couldn't write without your awesome-ness.

This chapter is dedicated to dumb_dumb
Because she took the time and wrote me this huge comment on how my story is going along. And I appreciate that (: Thank You

So hopefully I hear more from all of you (:

xo -Jess