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Indigo Confessions

My First Encounter With a Spirit

This is possibly my first memory ever. I remember it clearly enough to describe it in detail. I was maybe one years old and remember waking up in the crib. The room was dark and the only light in the room was coming from the slightly open door.
The door opened slowly and a figure stood in the door way. I didn't feel frightened, just calm and relaxed. The figure was of a woman with shoulder length black, curly hair. She wore a white dress that touched the floor. A white, almost angelic, glow eminated all around her.
She walked across the room and stood over the crib, looking down at me. She had a serene smile on her face. She began to hum a tune. I fell asleep to the lullaby.
Now that I'm older, I shared the story with my grandmother when I was at her house one day. She got up from where she sat and left the room, returning with a picture frame. She handed it to me and I looked at the picture. It was a couple, in their thirdies possibly, in their wedding clothing. The women in the picture was the same exact woman I had seen so many years ago.
My grandmother explained to me that the woman was her mother, my great-grandmother, who died when my grandmother was only sixteen. I felt touched that my great-grandmother had come to visit me when I was a baby.