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Indigo Confessions

Elemetary School

After my first experience, like many other children, I blocked out my psychic side. It wasn't until elementary school that I subconciously opened myself up to it.
My elementary school was rumored to be haunted. I wasn't a believer at the time and thought it was just a bunch of scary stories. But I did notice that when I was alone in the stairwell, I always heard footsteps coming up the stares.
Once when I was going up the staires, I saw a girl in a white dress standing at the top of the stares. She had dirty blonde hair that fell in curls on her shoulders. I thought it odd when I noticed that I could see through her to the blue wall behind her. She called to me by the name Sarah and skipped to the left, out of my line of veiw. I ran up the stairs and saw only a wall in the direction she skipped in. She was nowhere to be seen.
Another time I was on the staircase I was walking up the stairs early in the morning, too early for any other kid to be there. I felt something shove me against the wall really hard, but there was nothing there. The moment I hit the wall, the staircase changed. The walls were yellow instead of sky blue and a nurse in a old fashiones nursing gown ran past me. Then the scene changed back to the present and I saw the door to the hallway open by some invisible force.
The last hot spot in the school was the one that frightened me the most. The auditorium was huge with a big stage for school performances. When I was in there, I felt uneasy and threatened by something. There was a seat numbered 285 that I avoided at all costs, sensing that there was something unpleasent about that seat. The times I was on the stage, when I looked at the top balcony I would always see a shadow figure standing at the railing. The presence always felt menacing and I started calling it "The Doctor" for reasons even I couldn't understand.
All through out the years I spent there I was always seeing and sensing spirits. I told my mom every time I had an experience. When I graduated my mom told me the history. It used to be an institution for deformed or mentally challenged children in the late 1800 to early 1900. It burned down, killing some nurses and doctors and almost all patients.
I now believe that "The Doctor" was actually a doctor in the hospital. I used to sense that he didn't like any children. This, I believe, explains why I felt so uneasy by his presence.