Status: I promise to come back to this asap. I just need to get the Daryl out of my system first.

Make Me Scream

Jonathan and Aislynn grew up as childhood best friends. But their career choices forced them to be separated shortly after high school ended. That was four years ago and now Aislynn has moved to Chicago, will she and Jon be able to pick up their friendship where it left off? Or has it been too long and have they changed too much to be the friends that they were as children?
  1. One
  2. Two
    I tweaked the end of it a little bit, so if you're a returning reader, the last like two paragraphs are different.
  3. Three
  4. Four
  5. Five
    changing up the POV, just a heads up.
  6. Six
  7. Seven
  8. Eight
  9. Nine
  10. Ten
  11. Eleven
  12. Twelve