Status: I promise to come back to this asap. I just need to get the Daryl out of my system first.

Make Me Scream


"Fuck." Aislynn said as she saw the flashing red and blue lights in her rearview mirror. She knew she should have just called a cab, or Larry, or Maggie, but stupid drunk Aislynn had thought it was a good idea to drive home. "Stupid stupid stupid." She said, punching herself in the leg with each successive 'stupid.' She pulled the car over to the side of the road and rolled down the window, grabbing her license and registration.

"Good evening Miss, license and registration please." The cop said, shining his flashlight directly into her eyes. She held one hand up to kind of shield herself from the light as she handed him what he asked for. She was fucked, she was going to jail, and she couldn't even use the I'm-wearing-heels-and-that's-why-I-can't-walk-a-straight-line defense in court, cause she was wearing Uggs. Fuck. "Have you had anything to drink tonight Miss...." He glanced down at her license, "Clarke?"

Aislynn was trying to keep it together, but the combination of the alcohol, what had just happened at Jon's, and the stress of knowing how pissed Renee was going to be about this kind of overwhelmed her and before she knew it, she was crying. "Y-y-yes." She sniffed, "I-i'm sorry, off-fficer. I kind of m-m-madeout with my b-b-b-best friend and now," She hiccupped, "H-h-he's never going to speak to me again." She wailed.

The officer clearly didn't know what to do with the sobbing girl in front of him. Aislynn was sure all kinds of girls used this defense on him, and she wasn't crying to get out of a ticket. She was crying cause she was genuinely upset, and a wee bit drunk. "I'm sure he'll forgive you tomorrow." He kind of glanced up and down the street. "Look, do you have anyone who can come get you and take you home?"

Aislynn shook her head. "N-n-no. My room-m-m-mate is sleeping and she never answers her phone when s-s-s-she's sleeping. And I d-d-d-don't have a best friend anymore."

"What about your parents?"

"I'd rather go to jail." She said it so miserably and seriously that the officer laughed.

"Well how about this, you seem to have had a pretty rough night already. What if we just park your car here for the night and I give you a ride home and your roommate can bring you to get it in the morning."

Aislynn looked skeptically at the officer, unsure of whether to trust him. He could be one of those police officers who puts you in his car and rapes you that you hear about on tv sometimes. Stop being dramatic Aislynn, you're just drunk. she scolded herself. "Actually, I think I have someone I can call." She said, wiping at her eyes and pulling out her phone. When the other person picked up on the other end of the line she asked them to come get her, told them where she was and all that. They promised to be there in five minutes. "I have a ride." Aislynn said to the cop.

"Good." He smiled at her. "Now we just have to sit here and wait for them." Aislynn nodded and worked on composing herself.

Six minutes later, a car pulled up behind the cop car and someone got out. "Really Clarke? A DUI?"

"Shut up Kane." She said, miserably, grabbing her purse from her car and locking the doors behind her.

"Thanks for not arresting her, Officer, she's really not a troublemaker." Kane said, wrapping an arm around Aislynn's shoulders as she leaned into him.

"Just make sure you come and get the car tomorrow morning so it doesn't get towed." He said, waving to them as he hopped into his car and pulled away.

Pat led Aislynn to his car and they drove to his apartment in silence, it was closer than hers, after all. They didn't speak until they were up in his apartment and the door was shut. "So, are you going to tell me about what made you go joy riding while drunk'?" He said, setting his keys on the counter and hanging his coat up.

"No." She said shaking her head stubbornly and crossing her arms in front of her defensively.

"Alright then, come on, I'll get you set up in my room." He said walking, Aislynn sighed and followed him. His bed looked incredibly comfortable, it felt like she was laying on a cloud once she sat down on it. She was out within seconds. "God, you really are drunk." Pat said, walking over to pull her shoes off and rolling her over so he could pull the covers back and get her under them. Once that was finally done, he stripped down to his boxers and pulled on a pair of sweatpants, sliding into the bed next to her. "And I'm not even getting any." He said shaking his head, "You're getting soft, Kane."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, no Jon in this one. Sorry ladies, but I threw some Kane in there for you. :)