Status: Contest.

Young Love.

We were so young and invincible.

The waves crashed, louder and louder, leaving the frothy white wash of the sea to stain the damp sand. Laylah collapsed on the white, dry sand mere inches away from the beauty of the sea. Brooks was at her side in an instant, capturing her lips in a moment of bliss. “Are you coming back to the party baby?” he asked whispering in her ear. She let out a disappointed sigh, all Brooks ever wants to do is party .

Slowly standing up, he entwined his fingers with hers and pulled her back to the party. Music was pumping through a stereo and people were either drinking or making out. Derek Sanders, lead singer of soon to be worldwide phenomenon, Mayday Parade, stumbled towards to pair. Wrapping his arms tightly around the thin girl, his weight hitting her hard “Wanna beer?” he slurred, causing her to shake her head. “Lay, you never turn down Alcohol” he sung, dragging out the ‘hol’ in alcohol.

“I’m just not feeling well” she mumbled, this wasn’t a lie. Sighing she kissed Brooks’ cheek. “Baby, Enjoy the party I am going to sit down in the sand” she gave him the most reassuring smile she could muster up before walking to a quiet spot in the cool sand. Brooks walked over, falling down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. She closed her eyes, slowly drifting into a slumber, with his arms tightly around her. She was the envy of every friend of his.

Laylah sat up, groggily wiping her eyes to rid of the sleep. The sand was cold, the party over. She looked around, noticing she was alone. Standing up, she stiff-legged walked like a zombie towards the remains of the bomb fire, in hopes of finding Brooks. He was exactly what she found, passed out with a naked girl wrapped around his body. Tears started cascading down her face as she turned and ran towards the sea; luckily one boy had stayed sober. Alex Garcia.

He was at Laylah’s side in a second, stopping her from walking into the water. ‘Lay what’s wrong?” he asked, concern filling his voice. She pointed in the direction of Brooks and the filthy whore. Alex sighed, hugging her tightly “it will be okay” he soothed.
And you’re still out of my reach,
And you’re still all of the things
That I want in my life

“No it won’t” she sniffled. “I’m having his baby” she cried.

The summer was full of mistakes we wouldn’t learn from

“How’d it happen?” he asked, gripping her hand tightly as they stood with the water brushing their feet. She sighed, thinking back to the day it happened.

Laylah and Brooks walked down the beach, counting every star they could. She had a few too many drinks and he was high. Their hearts were beating equally as fast in their chests as they shared their first kiss. Soon, the kiss was something more; they were naked in the sand. That kiss was the one that tore them apart.

Young love is such dumb love.