Our Life, Nick Jonas and I

Stay With Me.

I woke up stretching in bed and looked at the clock that was by my head. It was just coming up to nine. Nick would be here in an hour to pick me up.

I jumped out of bed and into the shower, then threw on some jeans and my new t-shirt then I put on some eye liner and raked a brush through my hair trying to get myself to look less like such a bedhead.

When I looked half decent I went down stairs and grabbed as piece of toast as it popped out the toaster.

“Hey, that was mine,” my mom said with a smile.

“Sorry I'm in a rush and besides your always telling me to eat breakfast,” I said as I chewed.

“I know and that's great honey but that was my breakfast,” she said with a chuckle.

“Sorry,” I apologized.

“It OK hon, where are you going anyway?” she asked.

“Honestly I don't know, Nicks taking me somewhere, he'll be here in a minute,” I told her.

“Well I hope you have fun,” she said smiling at me.

“Me to,” I said finishing the last piece of my toast.

Ding dong the door bell went. I walked to it wiping crumbs off my hands.

“Hey baby,” Nick said when I opened the door and kissed me lightly on my lips.

“Hi sweetie,” I said kissing him back and pulling him close into a hug.

“Are you ready?” he asked a smile on his face.

“Sure, but for what?” I asked knowing he wouldn't tell me.

“Surprise,” he said simply.

“Well lets get going, I wanna find out what it is,” I told him truly excited,grabbing hold of his hand.

“OK baby,” he said and pecked my lips.

“Bye mom,” I shouted to the kitchen.

“Bye honey, have fun,” she shouted back.

“Well lets go,” I said pulling him to his car.


“So there's nothing I can do to get you to tell me where we're going?” I asked as Nick drove.

“Nope,” he replied.

“What if I said I'd never kiss you again if you didn't,” I threatened.

“You couldn't last that long,” he said a smirk on his face.

“Hey, I had to go a long time without kissing anyone,” I told him.

“Exactly, you wouldn't wanna give that up now and besides I am irresistible,” he said smirking at me.

I sighed, “your probable right and besides you are irresistible to me anyway,” I said smiling back.

“Well your gorgeous to me and I probable couldn't go without kissing you either,” he told me.

“So your going to tell me where were going?” I asked.

“Nope,” he said simply.

I pouted pretending to sulk but then gave up when he smiled at me and ended up smiling back at him.

We drove for a bit till Nick pulled over.

“Why'd you stop?” I asked smiling.

“Because I need to do something,” he told me.

“What?” I asked.

He pulled open the compartment under the hash and pulled out a piece of material.

“Whats that?” I asked.

“A blind fold,” he replied.

“A blind fold,” repeated.

“Yeah I don't want you to see where we're going, please turn around?” he said.

I did as I was told and turned around and he tied the blindfold over my eyes.

“Does that mean we're near?” I asked.

“Yeah, well be there soon baby,” he told me.

“Hey can you see anything?” he asked.

“No," I answered.

“How many fingers am I holding up?” he asked.

“I don't know Nick, I can't see,” I told him laughing.

“Right, sorry babe,” he said laughing to.

We drove for about another 15 minutes before Nick stopped the car.

“Are we there?” I asked.

“Yeah, no peeping,” he said.

“I promise no peeping,” I told him.

Nick got out the car and helped me out then I wondered unable to see whilst he locked it up.

“Watch where your going,” Nick called.

“I would, but I can't see,” I reminded him.

“Oh yeah, sorry babe I keep forgetting,come here,” he said then lifted me up in his arms bridal style.

When we got inside he put me down and I noticed I was suddenly freezing cold.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“Why don't you take your blindfold off and look,” Nick said stood behind me his arms round my waist.

I slowly lifted my blindfold off to see a pool of ice. We we're at the ice rink!

“Ice skating, Nick where is everyone?” I asked smiling wide.

“Its ours, I rented it, I wanted it to just be me and you,” he explained.

“You rented the whole rink, just for us?” I asked.

“Yeah, I did baby,” he told me smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled wrapping my arms round his neck and hugging him tight.

“Thank you,” I whispered in his ear.

“Its OK, I'm glad you like it,” he said and placed a kiss upon my lips.

“I love it,” I told him kissing him back.

We put on skates then hit the ice and began going round and round in circles, holding hands and occasional falling here and there. After around 15 minutes I got bored of going round and decided to go in a different direction, Nick following close to me holding my hand.

“What are you doing babe?” he asked.

“Exploring,” I told him.

“Its a circle babe,” he reminded me.

“I know but still,” I said with a laugh. I kept going round not noticing that the ice had a scratch across it.

“Oh no,” I said stumbling about to fall.

“Baby,” Nick said throwing his arms around my waist and holding me up against his body.

“Oops,” I said smiling up at him.

“Maybe we should just go round in circles babe,” he suggested.

That's probable best,” I said and kissed his lips.

We skated round for a long while, having fun and messing around, even playing a game of chase but after a bit we went inside and took off our skates then went to the cafe next to the rink.

“Two hot chocolates and a chocolate muffin,” Nick said as he placed our order on the table.

“I had fun today,” I said snuggling myself into his side.

“Me to babe,” he said kissing my forehead gentle.

We sat and sipped our drinks,laughing and having fun then Nick dropped me off at home.

“Baby,” he said as he parked in my drive.

“Yeah Nick?” I asked.

“I have to ask you something and I know you've probable got plans but-,” he began then stopped.

“Go ahead,” I said.

“Would you like to come stay at my house for Christmas and spend it with me and my family?” he asked nervously and in a big rush but I understood.

“Yes,” I said a smile on my face, “I'd love to spend Christmas with you and your family, Nick, but I'll have to ask my mom if its OK,” I told him.

“Of course baby,” he said smiling back.

We said our goodbyes then I went inside.

My mom was sat in the kitchen reading her book. I knew I couldn't wait till the morning to ask.

“Mom?” I asked walking in the kitchen.

“Yeah hon?” she asked looking up.

“You know how we usually go to grans for Christmas,” I said.

“Yeah,” she said.

“Well Nick just asked me to spend Christmas with him and his family and I said yes if its OK with you, so I wondered if you'd mind and if you thought gran would mind if I went to Nicks?” I asked nervously.

“Well sweetheart I have no problem with it and I'm sure your gran will be fine with it honey.”

“So I can go?” I asked excitedly.

“Yes honey, you can go,” she said.

“Thanks mom,” I said and kissed her cheek then I raced up stairs and text-ed Nick - "just asked my mom and she said yes, night Nick."

A few minutes later he text-ed back - "that's great babe, I'm so glad, I can't wait, sweet dreams, night baby."

I threw on some sweats and hopped into bed and fell asleep wondering what it'd be like for me staying at Nicks.
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