Our Life, Nick Jonas and I

Let All be Revealed.

“Nick wake up," I said as I gave him a shake.

“Um, just 10 more minutes,” he said sleepily, rolling on to his side.

“Nick come on get up, we've got to get ready,” I said still shaking him.

“Baby, I don't want to, can't we just go back to sleep?” he asked rolling on to his back.

“No, now get up,” I said a laugh in my voice.

“Why?” he asked like a little kid.

“Because we've gotta go to your surprise,” I said.

“Its today?” he asked his eyes flying open.

“Yep, now get up and get dressed, we're gonna be late,” I told him smiling.

“Where are we going?” he asked sitting up.

“Like I'd tell you, its a surprise remember, just go get ready, Kay,” I said and kissed his lips before grabbing my things and walking into the bathroom.

I took a shower then threw on clothes then walked in my room to find Nick sitting fully dressed at the end of my bed.

“Hey,” I said as I walked in the room.

“Hey beautiful,” he said a smile on his lips.

“I see you got already,” I said.

“Yeah, I always do what I'm told,” he said standing up and walking to stand in front of me, I gave a small laugh and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Well, I need you to go and do something else now,” I said a smile on my face.

“What?” he asked.

“I need you to go pack some clothes,” I said.

“Clothes,” he repeated.

“Yeah and hurry up, we're gonna be late and I promised your mom we'd have breakfast with everyone before we go,” I said and kissed his lips.

“Baby wait,” Nick said as I turned to leave, pulling me back to him by my waist.

“What?” I asked smiling up at him.

“Where are going?” he asked.

“You know I won't tell you, your just gonna have to wait,” I told him and pecked his lips.

“Please, just give me a hint, just one clue,” he pleaded.

“Fine, ”I said after a moments thought, “I'll tell you how we're traveling,OK.”

“OK,” he said happily glad I was telling him anything.

“We're going on a plane,” I said.

“A plane?” he asked confused.

“Yeah a plane, the Jonas plane,” I told him.

“The Jonas plane,” he repeated.

“Yeah, I kinda asked Joe to help me and he sorted it all out for us,” I explained.

“So will you please go and pack now?” I asked.

“Sure baby,” he said and kissed my lips before leaving my room to go to his own.

I packed my own bag whilst Nick was gone, throwing in my make up and straighteners then going to check on Nick once I was done.

“Hey,” I said knocking on his open door.

“Uh, hey baby,” he said looking up at me.

“You ready yet?” I asked.

“Yeah almost, I'm just looking for my shirt,” he said whilst searching around.

“Have you checked under your bed?” I asked.

“No, but that's probable a good idea,” he said getting on his knees and searching under his bed.

“Ah ha,” he said standing up, a black and blue checkered shirt in his hand.

“Great,” I said and laughed, “now are you ready for breakfast?” I asked as he stuffed the shirt into his case.

“Yeah, all done,” he said walking over and taking my hand.

Everyone was already waiting for us, sitting at the table as we entered the room.

“Hey, morning, ”I said smiling sweetly at them.

Everyone murmured good mornings and Hi's.

“Sit down kids, what would you like for breakfast?” Denise asked the two of us.

“I'm not really hungry mom,” Nick said as we took our seats.

“Sweetie you've gotta eat something if your traveling,” she told him.

“Fine, I guess I'll just have some eggs then please mom,” he said.

“Great and you Melissa?” she asked.

“I'll just have cereal and toast thanks,” I said with a smile.

“So son are you looking forward to, where ever it is you going to?” Paul asked Nick.

“Yeah I am, I just wish I knew where we we're going,” Nick said shooting me a pleading smirk.

“Well I'm sure whatever Melissa's planned, you'll have a lot of fun,” Paul said smiling.

“Yeah, me to,” Nick said smiling at me.

We all ate our breakfast and laughed and joked and I could tell Nick was going crazy not knowing where we we're going and to be honest I was quite enjoying it. I wondered if he enjoyed this as much when he was the one throwing surprises for me.

After we'd all finished our food Nick brought down our bags and put them into the boot of his car then we all went out in the front yard to say our goodbyes.

“Bye mom, bye dad,” Nick said hugging his parents.

“Bye honey,” Denise said to him.

“Yeah bye son, have fun,” Paul said.

Nick said goodbye to his brothers to and Dani and Maya and coach k to then I did the rounds and said bye to them all then we got in the car and they waved us off.

It took 45 minutes to get to the airport and most of that was spent listening to the radio. When we got out the car once we'd finally arrived we took our bags to the waiting plane. I felt super thankful we didn't have to bother with security checks or it would of been hard to keep this secret from Nick.

“Its times like this I wish we had to fly with everyone else,” Nick said as we took our seats.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I probable would of heard by now where we're going off someone else,” he said with a laugh.

“Don't worry you'll know soon enough,just be patient,” I said and kissed his lips.

Soon enough into the flight I fell asleep lying in Nicks arms.


The pilot speaking woke me up letting us know we we're due to land soon. Nick was fast asleep his head resting on top of mine.

“Nick, sweetie wake up we're about to land,” I said gentle shaking him.

“Kay baby,” he said sleepily as his eyes fluttered open.

When the plane landed Nick jumped to his feet taking my hand and pulling me with him.

“Wait, wait,” I said.

“What is it baby?” Nick asked excitement in his voice.

“Here,” I said pulling a piece of material out of my bag.

“Whats that?” he asked staring at it.

“A blind fold,” I said handing him it, “I don't want you to be able to see where we are, not yet.”

“Babe,” Nick pleaded.

“You'll see soon, I promise,” I said.

“Kay,” he said reluctantly and tied the blind fold over his eyes.

“Great, now come with me,” I said grabbing his hand and slowly leading him out the plane.

We grabbed our luggage then walked to a man holding a sign with my name written on.

“Hi, I'm Melissa and this is Nick,” I told him.

“Hi Melissa, Nick welcome to -”

I silenced him with my finger over my lips telling him not to say the name.

“Right well, right this way,” he said leading us to the car.

We got inside and waited whilst he put our bags in the boot then began to drive to our five star hotel.

“Can I take it off now?" Nick asked.

“No, not yet, just a few more minutes sweetie,” I said squeezing his hand.

A few more minutes and we did arrive and I sat Nick in a chair by the door in the lobby.

“Baby,” Nick as I went to leave.

“Just stay here sweetie, I've just gotta check us in, I'll be right back,” I said and kissed his lips.

He didn't argue and let me go so I walked to the large wooden check out desk.

“Hi welcome, how can I help you,” a young blond girl asked from behind the desk.

“Um hi, I'd like to check in, I'm booked under Millard,” I said sweetly.

“OK,” she said then typed some stuff into her computer.

“Great,” she said after a minute or two, “your room number is 368, enjoy your stay,” she said handing my the key card.

“Thanks,” I said and took the card.

I walked back to Nick and grabbed his hand then led him to the golden doored elevators and stepped inside.

“Now babe?” Nick asked referring to his blindfold.

“Just a few more minutes,” I told him.

“Come on,” I said grabbing his hand and leading to him our room.

I walked into the wide spacious room with the giant window just like in the picture I saw and stood Nick directly in front of it.

“You can take it off now,” I told him standing by his side.

“You sure babe?” he asked.

“Yes, go ahead,” I said.

I watched as he pulled it off and his eyes roamed over the view ahead.

“Baby,” Nick said as his eye looked out at the busy city.

“We're in New york,” he said as a smile washed over his face.

“Yeah we are,” I said smiling back, “I kinda remembered that once before we'd met you saying that you've never had a girlfriend at Christmas time and that if you ever did you'd like to go to New york together and go the Rockefeller center and go ice skating in central park and I know that its not Christmas anymore but I didn't wanna take you away from your family during the holidays but I -”

I was cut off by Nicks lips on mine.

“I love it,” he said and kissed me again, “thank you baby.”

“Its OK, I'm glad you like it,” I said and pressed my lips to his.

“I'm gonna go freshen up and then we gotta go,” I said once we'd pulled apart.

“Where to?” Nick asked smiling wide.

“Well I made a plan for the whole day, so I thought we could maybe go for something to eat and then maybe go ice skating in central park, that is unless you wanna do something different.”

“No, that sounds good babe,” he said pressed his lips to mine.

“Great well one more thing then, I just wondered if you minded where we ate?” I asked.

“No I don't mind babe,” he said.

“Well can we go to grays papayas then?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure baby, but why there?” he asked.

“Because you know my favorite film?, fools rush in,” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said.

“Well the two main characters in that go there and have hot dogs and they say there the best hot dogs in the world and I've kinda always wanted to go there so -,” I said then trailed off.

“Baby we can eat where ever you want, I don't mind as long as I'm with you,” he said smiling down at me.

“Thank you,” I said and kissed his lips then walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

“Oh baby,” Nick called just before I walked in, “I love you.”

“I love you to Nick,” I said smiling.

Once I was all done freshen up we went in search of grays papayas and even though we got lost once or twice we eventually managed to find the place and had the most amazing hot dogs in the world then we walked around central park till we found the rink and rented skates and began to skate around the rink.

“Your not gonna try going in a different way like last time are you babe?” he asked.

“No, I think I'm probable safer just going round,” I said with a laugh.

“Good, because I don't wanna have to save you,” he said grinning.

“But you know you would,” I said.

“I always would,” he said.

We skated under neath the stars for an hour or two till snow started to fall and I got a bit cold.

“Here,” Nick said handing me his coat as we took off our skates.

“Nick I can't have that you'll be cold,” I said.

“I don't care I'd rather you be warm” he said handing me it and besides its just till we get back to the hotel,” he said trying to convince me.

“OK, if it makes you feel better,” I said putting it on.

“Thank you,” he said smiling.

When we got back to the hotel and into our room we got ready for sleep and crawled into bed.

“This is the best Christmas present ever,” Nick said as I cuddled myself into his side.

“Sorry it was late,” I said looking up at him.

“Its OK baby, I'm just glad I'm here with you,” he said and gentle kissed my forehead.

“I'm glad you like it,” I said smiling.

“I love it,” he said and kissed my forehead again, “and I love you.”

“I love you to Nick,” I said and reached up to kiss his lips.

“You better get some sleep we've got a busy day tomorrow,” I said.

“Kay baby,” he said stroking his hand across my cheek.

“Goodnight,” I said placing my head down on his chest.

“Goodnight Melissa,” he said flicking off the lamp and placing a kiss on the top of my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
can somebody,anybody please comment i haven't had any forever.
And also let me know what you want to happen if you like it peaceful like this or if you want drama.
thanks hope you like it.
And also the more comments i get the quicker I'll post the next chapter.