Our Life, Nick Jonas and I

Due Date.

"Baby can you hurry up we've gotta go," Nick said as he paced the room.

"I am trying, I can't help it that I'm pregnant," I said.

"I know, I'm sorry but can you please try we're gonna be late," he said.

"OK, I'm coming," I said grabbing my purse and letting Nick lead me out the door.

It took 45 minutes in the car to drive but we eventually arrived at the industry party where Nick made the rounds talking to everyone.

"You OK?" he asked as I sipped my drink.

"Yeah, but my feet are killing me," I said.

"Well we'll go home soon, I promise, I just need to talk to a few more people," he said smiling.

"OK," I said and followed him to a group across the room.

"Hi," Nick said greeting them.

"Nick how are you doing?, we haven't seen you for years," a guy a little older than Nick said.

"Great," Nick said, "this is my wife, Melissa."

"Whoa, some ones been busy," the girl in the group said spotting my large and noticeable tummy.

"Yeah," Nick said grinning.

"How far gone are you?" she asked me.

"The whole nine months," I said smiling.

"Aw, well good luck with the sleepless nights," she said with a laugh.

"Thanks," I said.

Nick talked to them for a little while and as time wore my stomach hurt, a coming and going of intensity directly in the center but I choose to ignore it and carried on talking and laughing at jokes. A few minutes later it was back again then I felt something wet dripping down my leg.

"Nick," I said tugging on his arm as he laughed at a joke that someone had told.

"One minute babe," he said not looking at me.

"Nick," I said again tugging harder this time, "its time."

"Its time," he repeated his eyes locking on mine not understanding but then realizing.

"The babies are coming," I said then lurched forward in pain, holding on to my stomach.

"Come on," Nick said his arm round my waist rushing me out of the party and in to the car.


"Nick slow down," I said breathing heavy and hard as he drove threw the streets like a maniac.

"Sorry," he said panic full in his eyes, "just do what we learned in the classes, deep breathes,"

"I should phone your family and my mom and tell them its time," I said taking a breath in between each word.

"OK," Nick said his eyes on the road.

I rang around and let everyone know and they all said they'd meet us at the hospital.

"Are you OK?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, but you need to slow down," I said as I watched the needle rise above the limit.

"Sorry," Nick said again and took my hand.


It was ten minutes later that we arrived and Nick rushed me in to the hospital.

"Can you help me, my wife's giving birth," Nick said to the receptionist in one big rush not stopping to breath.

"Sure, why don't we get you a chair honey," she said to me.

I just breathed deeply and nodded my head then a moment later some one rolled a wheel chair over to me.

"Is she due to be in tonight?" she asked Nick calmly as he helped me sit down.

"No, not for another couple of days," Nick said.

"OK then, well we do have a free room so I'll take you there now," she said coming around from behind her desk and pushing me down a bright white hall.


"OK then," she said walking into a room, "this is it."

Nick helped me gentle on to the bed his face filled with panic, his eyes filled with fear.

"Do you have everything you need whilst your here?" she asked.

"Oh, the bag," Nick said smacking his hand to his head, "its at the house."

"Why don't you call Joe or Kevin to pick it up on there way," I suggested breathlessly.

"OK, are you gonna be alright while I'm gone?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine sweetie," I said smiling weakly.

"OK, well I won't be long," he said and kissed my lips.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you to babe," he said and kissed me again before leaving the room.

"Is this your first?" the nurse asked smiling.

"Yeah," I said smiling to.

"I could tell your husband looks quite panicked," she said laughing.

"I know, I thought it was supposed to be me stressing out," I said laughing to.

"Yeah, but it shows he loves you," she said.

"Yeah," I said smiling.

"Well I better let you get some rest, just call if you need anything," she said.

"Kay, thanks," I said as she left the room.


A few minutes passed and then Nick was back.

"Are you OK?" he asked sitting on the bed next to my side.

"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie, did you get through?" I asked smiling lightly.

"Yeah, Joe's gonna pick it up," he said.

"Well that's good," I said.

There was silents for moment as I studied his face, his worry lines and stress filled eyes.

"Nick stop worrying I'm fine, we're fine" I said rubbing my stomach.

He nodded his expression not changing at all, "you should get some rest," he said and kissed my lips.

"Only if you lie with me," I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said patting the bed.

He crawled by my side and lay on his back then I rested my head down on his chest, his arms wrapping round me holding me close.

"I love you," I said looking up at him.

"I love you to baby," he said and placed a kissed a kiss upon my temple.


We lay like that for a little while till Joe and Kevin rushed in the room.

"Are you OK?" Joe asked.

"I'm fine," I said sitting up in bed, "did you bring my bag?"

"Yeah, here," he said handing it to me.

"Thanks," I said.

"Well I'm gonna go get changed," I said and kissed Nicks lips before walking in the en-suite bathroom.

I could here them talking as I changed my clothes, Nick telling his brothers how worried he was. I washed my face and brushed my hair before walking back into my room.

"You OK babe?" Nick asked standing up and helping me sit back on the bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie," I said lying down.

"I can't believe its time," Kevin said.

"I can't believe your making us uncles," Joe said.

"Well your gonna be awesome uncles," I said smiling.

"You bet we are," Joe said laughing.

"Well we should go so you can rest," Kevin said, "well be in the waiting room if you need us."

"OK thanks guys," I said.


A few hours passed and the contractions got worse, Nick sat by my side the entire time just holding my hand and smiling at me.

"You should go to sleep," I said to a dozy Nick.

"I can't you need me," he said half mumbling.

"I need you to be awake when these babies come, I don't want you missing it," I said laughing, "I'll be fine, just go to sleep and if anything happens I'll get the nurse to wake you."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, now go to sleep," I said smiling.

"OK, but I'll just be right here," he said sitting in a chair across the room.

"I know sweetie, just go to sleep," I said.

"OK," he said and closed his eyes.


Hours passed whilst Nick was asleep and the contractions just got worse and worse.

"Is it time?" I asked the nurse who'd just checked again to see if I was dilated enough to deliver.

"Actually it is," she said smiling.

"It is," I said slowly taking it in.

"Yes, your ready to have these babies," she said.

I was speechless for a second before remembering Nick.

"Um, could you wake my husband up please?" I asked.

"Sure," she said and walked over to Nick.

"Mr Jonas," she said shaking him.

"What, what, whats wrong?" Nick asked jumping up from his chair, not noticing the nurse was there at all, "are you OK?" he asked his eyes on me.

"Yeah I'm fine sweetie," I said.

"Your wife's ready to deliver the babies now," the nurse said letting Nick know that she was there.

"Its time," he said looking at me.

"Yeah its time," I said nerves filling my words.


By the time I was in the delivery room the contractions were far to much to bare.

"Nick it hurts," I said and screamed out loud.

"I know baby," Nick said holding on to my hand, "the doctor will be here soon," he said and kissed the back of my hand.

I nodded and screamed out loud again.

"Well you must be Mr and Mrs Jonas," a man said as he walked in the room, "I'm Dr Jeffery's," he said his hand outstretched.

Me and Nick just stared at his hand before another scream broke threw my mouth.

"OK, well Melissa I'm going to need you to push," he said, "on the count of three, one, two, three, push."

I pushed and screamed at the top of my lungs, squeezing Nicks hand so hard it was red.

"Great, I can see the head, one more time," he said.

I took another deep breath before pushing again till I heard the sound of a babies cry.

"Congratulations you have a beautiful baby boy," the doctor said.

"A boy," Nick said smiling.

"We've got a boy," I said smiling to.

"Would you like to cut the cord dad," the nurse asked Nick.

"Sure, sure I'd love to," Nick said overwhelmed with joy taking the scissor from out her hand and cutting the cord in the place she'd said.

"Great, well here you go," the nurse said handing the baby into my arms.

"His so beautiful," I said looking at the baby with Nicks brown eyes.

"yeah, he really is," Nick said and kissed my head.

It was only seconds later the pain started again and a nurse rushed my baby out of my arms.

"Here we go again," the doctor said, "same as before push on three."

I took a deep breath as I listened to him.

"One, two, three, push."

I pushed as the tears ran down my from eyes and I couldn't breath, all my air was gone.

"That was good Melissa, now one more push and your all done."

"I can't, I can't do it," I said to Nick.

"Yes you can baby, you can do this," he said holding his hand to my cheek.

"I can't," I cried shaking my head.

"Yes you can, do it for me OK, do it for our babies."

"OK," I said nodding and took his hand.

"One, two, three," the doctor said.

I pushed with all I had left in me, I pushed for Nick, I pushed for our babies, I pushed till I heard the sound of crying.

"Well done Melissa," the doctor said, "you've got a gorgeous little girl."

"A girl," I said.

"We've got a girl and a boy," Nick said.

"Dad," the nurse said holding the scissors out to Nick.

He snipped the cord in the place that she said then the nurse put my baby girl in my arms as Nick held her brother and sat by my side. She was gorgeous and just like her brother had Nicks brown eyes and my dark hair.

"There beautiful," Nick said as I rested my head upon his shoulder.

"Yeah they are," I said smiling down at our kids.

"I love you," he said and kissed my temple.

"I love you to Nick," I said tears filling my eyes as I sat with my family by my side.
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hey every one this one was really long so could you all tell me what you think and comment.