Our Life, Nick Jonas and I

One for the Road.

It's been four days since I last saw Nick and I really miss him, although it has given me time to see the girls and give them all the details on Nick and I face to face. Nick's been busy working, so we haven't had any time to meet up, but we've spoken on the phone every day and we've texted, Facebook-ed and e-mailed, but I still really missed him. But tonight's the night I finally get to see him. He was going to pick me up in half an hour and take me to his concert where we're gonna hang out before and after.

I got really excited whilst I waited for him, sitting on the couch in my brand new dress and when door bell rang, I shot to my feet and ran to the door, ripping it open.

Nick stood on the other side and pulled me swiftly in his arms.

“Hi Nick,” I said, snuggling my face in his chest.

“Hey baby,” he said then kissed my cheek. He grabbed my hand leading me to his car.

We talked non-stop as we drove, like we hadn't saw each other for way more than four days.

When we got to the arena, Nick took my hand and led me in the building and to security who gave us our passes and let us through. Once we were past Nick led me down a series of dimly lit hallways until we stopped at a room that he pulled me inside. There was a black couch, a flat screen t.v, a sound system and loads of CD's and table piled high with food. Joe sat on the sofa playing video games and Kevin stood eating food at the table; neither noticed us as we entered.

“Hey guys,” I shouted.

“Melissa,” Joe yelled jumping up and pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

“Hey,” I said hugging him back then turning and giving Kevin a hug and saying hello.

“Hey long time no see,” Kevin said.

“I know, I missed you guys,” I told them.

“We missed you too,” Joe told me pick me up and swinging me round.

“Joe, put me down,” I said.


“Joe, put her down,” Nick told him with a chuckle.

“Fine, I'll put your tiny girlfriend down,” he said, placing me on the couch.

We all hung out for a bit until the boys had to leave to sort some stuff out. Nick kissed my cheek before he left. I just stayed the room watching TV and finding random stuff to do until I had to pee and went in search of the bathroom.

When I found it, I did what I had to and touched up my makeup, then went on a new search to find the guys. I had to go past security first and show my pass which I had on my hip.

“Pass please?” the man asked.

“Sure,” I said reaching down to find my pass wasn't there. My brain automatically went in to melt down.

“I had one, but I guess I must of lost it, can you please just let me through? I'm with the guys,” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“No chance."

“Please I'm with Nick, I'm his girlfriend,” I explained.

He gave a loud roar of laughter and grabbed hold of me by my arms, “Of course you are. And I'm the Easter bunny."

“But I am!" I told him, still pleading as he led me outside.

“Like I haven't heard that before,” he said, still laughing as he walked away leaving me there with the other fans.

I still shouting and tried to convince him as I watched him walk back inside, but gave up when he slammed the door. I could feel several pairs of eyes burning a hole into my back.
I turned around to find fifty-odd girls watching me.

“Did you see them?” one blond girl asked.

“I um... I-I'm not supposed to be here,” I told her whilst pulling my cell out my phone from my pocket.


"Hi Nick."

"Oh hey baby, you okay?"

"No, well yes, I'm okay, but I kinda lost my pass and got thrown out by security."

"You lost your pass?"

"Yeah I think I left it in the bathroom, can you please come get me or send some one?"

"Yeah, sure baby."

"Great, I'm at the back of the arena."

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute baby."

"'Kay see you soon."

"'Kay bye babe."


When I turned back I turned to see way to many eyes fixed on me. I knew what I'd just caused and I knew I had to try to stop it before it got out of hand.

“Hey girls, I need you to listen to me,” I told them slowly. ”Nick's gonna come out to get me.”

They all erupted in screams and cheers. I waited for them to go quite before I spoke again.

“I need you to all not scream and mob him.”

“Is he your boyfriend?” one girl who looked around fifteen asked.

I knew I'd probable end up dead if I said yes, so I lied. “No, we're just friends,” I told her.

“Can we meet him?" one girl at the back yelled.

“Maybe if you all just stay calm he'll do autographs and whatever just don't scream, okay?”

There was a chorus of yeahs and yeses.

Five minutes later Nick came out, big Rob at his side.

“Hey baby you okay?” He asked kissing my cheek clearly forgetting about all the fans that were watching.

“Hey, um, hi Nick, yeah I'm okay, thanks for coming to get me,” I said giving him a hug. "I was wondering if you could do autographs and photos and stuff for my new friends? They've been keeping me entertained.”

“Yeah sure baby. I'll call Joe and Kev and get them out here to,” he told me, squeezing my hand.

I knew I had to ask because they all kept their word apart from the odd peep here and there.
I smiled widely as all of the girls stood staring wide eyed as Nick called his brothers.

Another five minutes passed before Joe and Kevin came out then they began signing autographs, taking photos and doing their thing until we all to leave to get to sound check.

Sound check was awesome and when it was done the boys had to leave me to go get ready. Just before the concert started Denise reminded Nick to check his blood sugar so we sat down with people rushing all around us and he checked it to find that was a little low. He pulled out a chocolate bar and tore off two chunks, placing them in my hand.

I looked at him puzzled but he simple said, “We'll share,” whilst tearing two chunks off for him self.

When he was alright I gave him hug and wished him good luck before taking my seat in the front row.

The show absolutely amazing. Nick was amazing. When it was finished I went back stage to find Nick. When I did I pulled him into a hug.

“You were amazing,” I told him kissing his cheek.

“Thanks baby,” he said then grabbed my hand, leading me to a flight of stairs.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You'll see,” he said with a small chuckle.

We walked up few more flights of stairs but then came to a stop at a fire exit door. Nick pushed it open leading me inside then closed it behind us as I stood looking. There was a bench and a table with cans of soda on, all laid out under the stars.

“We're on the roof. Nick, you did this?” I asked.

“Yeah, I thought you'd like it up here so I asked them to bring the bench and table up so we could hang out,” he explained.

“Oh, Nick I love it,” I told him.

“Great, I'm glad,” he said grabbing my hand and leading me to the bench.

We stayed up there for hours talking and laughing and watching the stars.

We were in hysterics as I told Nick a story of me and my friends but half way through I stopped mid laugh and watched as Nick smiled and listened to his laugh.
Eventually Nick noticed I'd stopped laughing and smiled at me.

We sat in silence under the stars looking in each others eyes as a few minutes passed and as I stared into those eyes, those beautiful, beautiful brown eyes something dawned within my mind.

“I'm ready,” I said breaking the silence.

“You're ready?” Nick asked me slowly.

“Yeah, I am. I'm ready for you to kiss me now,” I told him.

“Baby are you sure? Because I don't mind waiting," he assured me.

“I know sweetheart, but I'm ready. It's just, remember when I told you that I wanted to wait and why?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said nodding his head.

“Well I wanted it to be special and with the right person and I wanted to be sure, well now I am and Nick, this is special but it's special because I'm with you and you are the right person and I kinda knew it all along. Nick I'm sure, I'm ready for my first kiss. I'm ready for our first kiss,” I told him smiling at him.

He nodded yes smiling at me and said, “Okay baby, as long as you're sure?”

“I am, Nick."

We sat for a second looking in each others eyes and then slowly moved closer toward each other. Nick slowly brought his hand up cupping my cheek as I leaned into him as he did me. I kept my eyes on his until I felt his warm breath wash over my lips. Then I let my eyes shut as our lips connected. I felt like all was right with the world, like time had stopped, like it was just us two left in the whole wide world. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him
closer, deepening the kiss.

I don't know how long we we're sat there kissing but when Nick pulled away it felt much to soon for my liking. I tried to think of a way to tell him how much I liked it but all that came out was, "Wow."

“Wow,” Nick repeated, smiling at me.

“That was amazing,” I said kissing his lips.

“Yeah it was,” he said kissing me back.

We sat for a while, me in his arms, kissing each other every few minutes until Nick got a call asking where we were and telling him it was time to go.

We walked down to the lobby hand in hand where Nick's family stood waiting for us. He let them know he was taking me home and told them that he'd be home soon.

When we got to my house we said our goodbyes which were taking even longer than normal because of all the kissing. As we broke away to take a breath I looked down at my watch. It read 12:50.

I sighed and told Nick, “I better go in.”

“Yeah I better get going too,” he replied putting both hands on the sides of my head and kissing me deeply and passionately. “Goodbye beautiful,” he said when he pulled away.

“Bye Nick,” I said hugging him tight.

I watched as he turned walking to his car but as he got half way down my path he suddenly stopped and turned back to me, ran up the path and pulled me by my waist into a mind twisting passionate kiss then simply said, “One for the road” and kissed me again.

I laughed as he walked away from me then stepped in the house and listened to the sound of his car pull away.
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This ones really long, tell me if you like it.