Our Life, Nick Jonas and I

Meet and Greet.

I love him, I know I do, I love him.

Its been a few weeks now since me and Nick got together and every things been perfect, better than perfect and I know its seems soon for me to be thinking about love but I do, I love him, I know I do, not that he knows,yet.

Its been a bit difficult hanging out and having to be careful all the time with the paparazzi following Nick around all the time and we've had a few run ins where we've almost been caught together but luckily we haven't. We've agreed to keep our relationship Private from the press and fans and just be us for a while with the exception of our friends and families of course.

I currently sat looking out at the world watching it pass as I sat in Nicks car. I watched the unusually cloudy day and I watched all the people, the parents and kids, the people walking there dogs and couples walking holding hands. I wondered if any of them could be as happy as I felt, I doubted it, I doubted any one was in the whole of the world.

As I sat I thought about love, of all the people in my life that I love. My parents, my friends and of course Nick and as I thought something clicked in my mind. Two of the biggest parts of my life hadn't yet met. I turned my head to look at Nick and gently squeezed his hand in mine.

“Whats up baby, you OK?” He asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine sweetie I was just thinking that you haven't met my friends yet and how cool it would be if you did, I mean your such big parts of my life and I thought it would be really great if we all maybe hung out together, what do you think?”I asked.

“Yeah sure baby, I'd love to,” he said.

“Great well I'll call the girl later and set something up,” I told him.

“Great I'll look forward to it baby,” he said then kissed the back of my hand.

“Me to,” I said smiling at him.


I rung the girls before I went to bed that night and told them my plans for them to meet Nick. We ran though a list of stuff we could do and lots of places we could go to but eventually decided to hang at my place and watch films and play video games and order take out. Lucy was interested a lot in being friends with Nick, for me and for a chance at getting near Joe.

“Slow down Lucy just focus on being friends with Nick, for me, please,” I told her, but of course she just wanted to talk about Joe.

She's so obsessed but I know that she'll try to get to know Nick just like Katie and Kelly will.
Its going to be so great having them all together and I'm not even worried about the girls threats to question Nick to make sure his good enough for me, I know they'll love him.

That phone call was 3 days ago and tonight's the night for the meet and greet and my nerves are finally kicking in. The girls will be here in around 5 minutes and Nick just text to me to let me know his on his way. My mom was out at dinner with friends so I wondered around the house at a loss what to do.

I walked down the stairs about to check the time but before I even got to the clock the door bell chimed and three girlish giggles came from the other side of the door. I opened the door to see the girls.

“Hey guys,” I said hugging each of them, “come in,” I said leading them into the living room.

We sat round flicking through the t.v channels whilst we waited for Nick.

“Hey what times Nick coming?” Katie asked lying on her stomach on floor.

“He'll be here any minute,” I told her standing in the door way.

“Melissa relax well love him,” Kelly told me sitting on the couch with Lucy lying her head on her lap, eating chips.

“I really hope so,” I told them.

Just as the theme tune to friends began to play the door bell chimed.

“That's him,” I told them.

I left them all singing along to go answer the door.

“Hi sweetie,” I said wrapping my hands round his neck.

“Hi baby,” he said then pulled me into a perfect kiss.

“Are they here?” he asked nervously.

“Yes and don't worry its gonna be fine, come on,” I told him pecking his lips, grabbing his hand and leading him in to the living room.

We stood in the door way and Nick wrapped his arms around my waist. All of the girls had there eyes on the screen clearly trying not to act like crazy fans. I cleared my throat and they all turned round to look at us.

“Girls this is Nick, my Nick, Nick this is Kelly, Katie and Lucy,” I said nodding to each of them as I said there names.

“Hi nice to meet you Nick,” Katie said.

“Yeah it is after listening to Melissa talk about you for years,” Kelly said.

“Years?” Nick asked.

I blushed and said, “well I am your biggest fan.”

“Plus you love him,” Lucy said making kissing noises.

“Ssh Lucy,” I told her as Nick laughed lightly.

“Nick you remember Lucy she came to the concert with me?” I asked.

“Sure I do, its nice to meet you, all of you,” he said.

“You to,” she said standing up then pulling Nick into a hug, always over enthusiastic as usual. Nick hugged her back then we sat on the couch.

The night was going better than I could have hoped, Nick and the girls were getting on great.

“So Nick maybe your brothers and us could all hang out,” Lucy asked whilst playing a game on the play station 3.

“Shes in love with Joe,” I shout/whispered to Nick.

“I am not,” Lucy said blushing.

“She is,” Katie and Kelly said simultaneously, laughing.

Nick laughed to and said, “that sounds like a lot of fun.”

We ordered pizzas and watched movies till it got to late and the girls had to leave. They left the house one by one leaving me and Nick alone. We decided to put a movie on when they'd gone and cuddled up on the couch. We watched I am legend but half way through sleep hit me and I guess Nick noticed because when I woke Nick was standing me in his arms, bridal style, carrying me up the stairs.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked him sleepily.

“Ssh its OK baby,” he whispered kissing my forehead.

He pushed my door and stepped in my room and lay me down gently on my bed, kissing my lips so sweetly.

“Do you want me to stay tonight,baby?” He asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

“I wish you could but my moms gonna be back soon and I don't think it'd be very good if the first time she meets you your in bed with me, she might get the wrong impression,” I told him my voice heavy with sleep.

“Yeah I guess your right baby,” he said stroking a stray hair out of my face.

“Try to get some sleep Kay babe,” he told me.

“Kay, call me tomorrow,” I told him.

“Sure baby,” he said then placed a kiss on the top of my forehead, “night Melissa,” he said as he pulled away.

“Night Nick,” I said as my eyes closed shut.

He kissed my lips one last time then switched off the lights and closed the door.
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