A Secret Kiss Of Confidence

"I won't be left here, behind closed doors."

"Finally. Now you might want to go change." Ashley faced here mirror again and continued to apply her eye shadow heavily.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I protested. I was perfectly comfortable in my purple and black Misfits shirt, tight black pants, and normal black Converse. (Yes I wear my shoes inside, that's how I'm most comfortable.)

"It's a costume party Sam! Come on try to be a little festive!" I then noticed that she was wearing a white angel costume, and she had a little gold halo atop her perfect golden curls. Yeah, it's strange that I didn't happen to notice that she had suddenly sprouted white feathery wings, but in my defense, I am totally oblivious pretty much 24/7.

"Alright, I'll see what I can dig up." Not wanting to continue the conversation, I went to search through my small closet for something costume related. When I came back out, Ashley had finished her make-up and was putting on her brown tie-up-the-leg wedges.

"Okay let's go," I said while heading toward our apartment door. This place was relatively small I guess, with its 1 bath, 1 kitchen, and 1 living room. But, the only thing that mattered was Ash and I both got our own room with individual closets. At least I had one place where I could go that had a door between me and the rest of the...home isn't quite the right word...erm...house?

"Wait, you're going like that! All you did was put on wings!" Ashley was apparently surprised by my lack of interest in my outfit.

"Hey! I put vampire teeth in too!" I grabbed my purple and black striped hoodie off the couch and continued out the door.

"No, you have those normally." Ash laughed at her own joke. I snickered slightly to myself before replying.

"I'm a punk! Not a vampire thank you very much." I closed the door behind us and tried to prepare for the night ahead.

[Arriving At Party]

"So what's this guy's name Ash? I feel weird walking into some random guy's house and inviting myself to his party..." I said as I followed her up the stairs to the third floor of the apartment building.

"Well his name is [Matt]...and it's a costume party...and...um...that's all that I remember," Ashley was obviously straining herself because she almost ran head on into the door at the top of the stairs. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking down the hallway lined on either side by numbered doors.

The further the two of us walked, the more worried I got. What was I doing? Going to some random guys house for a party? This was so unlike me. Maybe if I could show Ash what a bad decision this was we could leave. No-harm; no-foul. But it was too late.

She was knocking on his door.
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wow so i know i've been gone for straight days,
n i know theres prolly 1 of you reading this,
(thankies karleigh! :))
but yeh...so im back to finish...cause im not a quiter!

tell me what you think.

tanks luvies!
