Lessons In New Jersey

I Can See Him Die a Little More Inside...


Frank's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw. My bestfriend and the girl I had kissed before. The girl I liked. And Gerard new that. He had to have known that.

"Frank! Wait!" I heard her yell as she ran up to me.

"Frank man! Come back!" I then heard Gerard yell.

"Frank I'm sorry." I heard her say as she caught up with me grabbing my arm.

Maddie's POV

I followed Frank out of the house. As did Gerard.

"Frank! Wait!" I yelled to him.

"Frank man! Come back!" I heard Gerard call to him.

"Frank I'm sorry." I said while grabbing his arm.

"Don't touch me!" he yelled to me pulling his arm away.

"Frank listen to me. Please!" I pleaded to him as Gerard ran up beside us.

"Why would I want to hear anything you have to say." he yelled again.

"Frank it's not how it looks." Gerard then said to him.

"Don't talk to me. You knew how I felt about her." Frank then yelled to Gerard. By this time Ray and Mikey had followed us outside. Along with that hussy.

"How am I supposed to feel. Huh Frank. Why are you getting so mad. I saw you." I yelled to him.

"What the fuck are you talking about. What do you mean you saw me?" He questioned back.

"With her. You have no room to talk. I saw you two. In Gerard's room," I yelled once again.

"I can't believe this shit. Nothing happened. Okay nothing. More happened between you and Gerard." he yelled at me.

"Face it Frank. We kissed thats all. She's not a bit of property you can claim," Gerard yelled at Frank.

No one was prepared for what happened next as Frank punched Gerard knocking him to the ground. Gerard quickly got up and returned his shot.

"Frank! Gerard! Stop it!" I yelled to them as they continued. Mistake on my part as I tried to pull Frank off Gerard as he pulled his arm back to hit Gerard again only to hit me with his elbow causing me to fall backwards. Frank looked back as Mikey and Ray rushed to my side.

"M-Maddie. I'm sorry." I heard him say as Mikey and Ray helped me up. I put my hand to my mouth where Frank had hit me and already feel the blood starting to come out. I shook of Mikey and Ray and walked away quickly. I could feel the tears starting to stream down my face. I knew no one was following me and I liked it better that way.

I ran up the steps to my house swinging open the door and running upstairs to my room slamming my door.

"What is with all the noise?" I heard my mom questioned as she came in my room.

"Get out." I replied to her.

"Whats wrong?" she questioned me more sweetly.

"Nothing! Get out." I yelled to her this time.

"Madeline tell me whats wrong?" this time she grabbed my shoulders turning me around. She looked at the blood on my lip and cupped my face "What happened? Who did this to you?" she questioned.

"Nobody." I replied she pulled me to my bed and sat me down. She left the my room for a moment then returned with a wet wash clothe.

"Someone did do this. tell me who?" she looked at me as I continued to cry "Was it that boy who was here earlier." she questioned. I nodded.

"It was an accident though," I replied.

"How? How was it an accident?" she questioned again.

"He was fighting with Gerard and I went to pull him off. And when he pulled his arm to hit Gerard again. His elbow hit me." I replied. She just looked at me. "He didn't mean to I swear."

"I don't care if he meant to. I don't want you going near him. Again. Anymore." she replied.

"But he's my friend." I replied back.

"A friend doesn't leave a bruise where everyone can see it. I don't wanna hear anymore about it. I don't want you going near him." she replied and walked out closing my door. I just sat there. Wiping the tears away. After all that had happened I felt horrible. I laid down and cried myself to sleep.